Sunday, January 24
I Was Dumb, And Stupid, And I Let You Down
Do you think that if I killed myself, anyone would miss me? I know I wouldn't. I'm such a horrible person. Here goes the whole dramatic monologue. Seriously, why do I keep hurting the people around me? So today Johnny expressed his true feelings for me. Saying that that was like a bombshell over me doesn't even begin to describe what I felt that moment. I was confused and surprise beyond imagination. I don't blame him though. I mean, I know how I look like and all that, but still, me? Me?! I was shocked. I couldn't speak. I forgot how to speak! Me, KitKat Sarah Curtis, forgot how to speak. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. God I really didn't. But what else could I have done? Yes, I was curious to know who his and Ponyboy's crush was, but I never, in my dreams thought it would be me. I guess I could have lied and tell him I loved him back but that would it have truly made us happy? Maybe. I don't know. God I'm such an idiot. I need a pillow right now. Just sink my head and scream. Johnny I really didn't want to hurt your feelings. I'm truly sorry. I feel horrible. I wouldn't blame you if you hate me. Gosh, I think I would never see you again. I bet you would love to avoid me the rest of your life. Anyway, after we talked, and basically crushed Johnny's heart, I went to my hotel room, straight there, I don't want to talk to anyone. I'll go see Carson later, when everyone is gone. I'm just going to lock myself in the closet and die.

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oh Kitty I like you too :]
but I'd LOVE you if you brought me some food.
..and something to do. I'm so bored.
Stop talkin like that!!! i will tell ya that if someone came and shot you i would...i would go after them and strangle them... i would miss my fav sister. You and pony have a chance to do something in life...dont throw it away...i love ya sis!!!!
thats cute darr. :}..
yea but dawn everything is cute to you!!! no srsly we were walkin outside the apartment today and a puppy with no collar walked by and she was like awwwwww how cute cumin on guy we're takin you inside and gettin you washed up!!!! so we have a dog now incase anybody's lookin!!!
no!!!!!!!!!!! we hav to keeep spunky brook!!!!!! just cuz he smells..and bites..and may POSIBLY hav rabees..doesnt mean hes not adorable <3!! :D
He Better Not Touch My Cat, My Cat Could Be The Crap Out Of Anyone... Unless He's Sleeping!
HEY! spunky is pretty kick ass pony, he could destroy ur cat!. he got rebees, that means hes quite aggresive :D. and plus, ur kitty had to live with us, him and spunky get along just fine.
haha yea ik we brought him home and cleaned him up and they started chasin eachother around and playin lol
he was also chaising me and brook around the house..we had to hide in the shower! but spunky doesnt really chase me anymre..that much. just once and i while..lol
BACK TO KITKAT PPL!!!!!! Kit u know i would miss u ur like another big sis to me and about johnny dont u think u were right about being truthful? even if it hurts ur telling the truth and he respects (and loves) u for dat. THATS RIGHT BROOKE I CAN BE DEEPPPa
lol just dont feel bad kit,u shouldnt.
kit, im on my way to your palce and we're going to find a party to crash ... like old times!
no drinking for Blair.
root beer for blair
post something new kit
yea kitty! this post is depressing!!!
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