I took him out of the hospital through the back door. He was still confused but I figure, still too drunk to make sense out of anything. I smiled as Talan was there, waiting, leaning on his car door. "Hey." He said. "Hi." Pony looked at me with a face of 'and this is?...' "Talan this is Ponyboy, my younger brother. We're going for a ride and I need someone to cover for him. Would you mind?" I said as Pony and Talan shook hands. He looked from me to Ponyboy and then back to me. "I guess that explains the nurse's costume. Don't worry Kit. I'll cover for him." I smiled and got closer to whisper in his ear what he needed to do. He smiled and hand me his keys. "Don't worry. Easy enough." I smiled and watched Talan walk back to the hospital. I got Pony on the passenger's seat and got in myself. I turned the engine on and started to drive. Finally Ponyboy said: "Where the hell are we going?" I kept my glanze straight in the road. "You'll find out soon enough." It took me ten minutes to get to my destination. I don't usually drive around town, and it kind of pissed me off when I had to stop at EVERY SINGLE red light. But anyway, we got there. I shut the door behind me and Pony looked at me with an expression that clearly said 'WTF?!' For all of you who haven't figured it out. We were in a graveyard. Yay. "Just walk." I said to Pony and he followed without question. Good boy. We went around the graveyard for a long time. Through rows and rows of tombstones. Until we finally reached the line I was most interested in. I turned to look at Pony. "What do you see?" He turned to look at me with another 'WTF?!' expression but answered. "Tombstones? I guess." "What do you see in the tombstones?" "Names." I was pretty sure Pony thought I was retarted, asking all those questions, but they had to be asked. He needed to understand once and for all. "These are tombstones of people. People who died." See what I mean? "People who any day would love to switch places with you. People who didn't make it. Whose luck wasn't on their side. People who like you, thought nothing could happen to them." I took a deep breath and started to read the names in five tombstones. "Lisa Patterson. She died at 15. Got hit by a car, drunk." I pointed to another tombstone. "Richard Auron. Died at 19. Alcoholic." Next. "Betty Williams. Died at 13. Alcoholic." Next. "Dwayne Wright. Died at 16. Car crash while drunk." I walked over to the last tombstone. This one didn't have a name on it. Or a date. It was just there, waiting for another helpless soul to protect. "And you, if you continue to do what you are doing." Ponyboy looked at me with fear and confusion. He was speechless. Probably horrified. And that was a good thing. If it took a good scare to finally make him come to his senses, then a scare was what he was going to get. "I'm going to tell you this as an adult. You're are going to die if you don't cut it out. And your name will be encripted into this stone. You want that? You were lucky to survive this one. Don't push your luck Ponyboy, 'cause luck is famous to turn its back on you when you most need it. This people drank for the same reasons you and I drink. 'Cause it helps us clear our mind. It helps us forget we're greasers. I'm sorry for the way I have been leaving my life. I'm going to stop too. And it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really tough, but I'm willing to do it, 'cause I want to be a better person. And so should you." There was a long pause. But then, I continued. "It's not worth it, Pony. Life's too short to waste it on getting high. And I'm sorry I realized it so late. Maybe, if I had realized it before, I could have prevented this. But it didn't and I just got to deal with it. When you passed out and ended it the hospital, that was the biggest wake-up call I ever had. It's the biggest wake-up call you ever had. Choose the right path Pony. Don't make the sames mistakes I did, or that this people did. I can't rewind the past and change it, but I change the future. And so can you." I walked towards Pony and hugged him. Hugged him as hard as I could. And never let go. "Now, you're going to get back to that hospital and you're going to get better. Or I'll beat the hell out of you." I said and we both laugh.

Haha and u would beat him up
HAHAHA i lov u for doing that
wtg kit he needed a wakeup call and i think that did it!
Kit, I'm never drinking again because of this. Yay KittyKat did a good thing :)
You get 5 gold stars. :D
Oh, maybe you should've shown him some people who where killed by drunks, so it'd show him he's hurting us to
this gave me shivers .
now we know why sodapop doesnt drink!
When Will I Get A Gold Star!!!! Ugh! :'( I Dont Think We Need To Total Get Rid Of Alcohol, Just Cut Back.... A Lot!
Haha! Ur Stars Are Silver!!!
I know, they are MY special 'gold' stars. No one else gets then. :)
Wow kit, Everyone's right. I'm speechless.
kit , you need to become a shrink
remember when mom wanted to send twobit to a shrink he was like 11
lmfao! ur so nice blair gotta luv it! lol
well its true .....
yea ik!:D
im glad i amuse you brooke
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