I took the first thing I saw, took my things, and hurried to the porch were Pony was waiting for me, without getting any breakfast! And if you know me, you know that I can't function without breakfast. When we got to school, there was a fucking rumor about Pony sleeping with Sherri. Just one more thing to piss off my day. I have always hated gossip and rumors. They just get on my nerves. I mean, what the hell do you care if Ponyboy slept with Sherri? A) You don't know if it's true or not and B) it's their problem not yours. I swear I could have beaten some people up if it wasn't for my 'peace and love' inner self to stop me. But I did spend three whole periods and lunch convincing the senior class that my brother hadn't done such thing with the cheerleader and that she was the world's biggest slut for making that up.
The next couple of hours were just as good as they could get, normal. It was but until I got out of school that my shitty day really happened. There was a group of girls I used to hang out with, you know, to try to get more girl-time, at one corner of the building. I don't really talk to them anymore, mostly because the 'leader' Janet Scott, is the world's biggest bitch and I hate her guts, and for me to hate someone, it takes a lot. But anyway, I was on my way to home, alone, when they called me to come over. I don't know why I didn't just ignored them and continue, but I guess it was my annoying inner-self again telling me that ignoring someone when they call you is lack of education and I'm trying to tell the world that Greasers are so much more than white trash. So I went over to them. It was Janet the one who spoke. She was smoking and I hardly understood what she said, not to mention, the smoke was making me cough. And she noticed. She took one step towards me and looked at me with her superiority glanze. "What's the matter Kit? Is the smoke bothering you?" She didn't wait for me to answer. She snapped her fingers to one of her minions and did the only thing she does well, order. She opened the box of cigarrettes and offered me one. I didn't want to. I've never smoked before, and frankly, I didn't want to start now. But you can't say no to Janet. Not if you know what's good for you. "Oh c'mon, it won't kill you." She said and basically placed the cigarrette in my mouth. I coughed like crazy at the sudden smoke traveling my lungs and she laughed. "I have to go." I said without waiting for her response and ran as fast as I could to my house.
It wasn't a pretty evening. I could feel the whole world going round and round and the sudden feeling of sickness conquering me. I shut the door behind me and leaned on it for a second. But just at the same time, I ran to the bathroom. I threw up the whole evening. I hadn't noticed anybody at home when I got there, but there was defenetly someone there. I heard several insiting knocks on the bathroom door but I felt too bad to answer it. Finally the door opened, and in came Sodapop. I was surprised to see him at home, but I didn't care at the moment. All I could think of was: 'I'm going to kill Janet Scott.' He looked at me horrified and if his expression reflected the way I looked, then I looked like shit. I told him everything between one moment of sickness and the other. He picked me up and placed me on the nearest bed and told me to get some rest. I am making myself a promise: NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE AM I GOING TO SMOKE ANOTHER CIGARRETTE AND GO THROUGH THE SAME SHIT ONCE AGAIN!!!

Haha!:D But What If It's Not A Rummor... And It's Fact?
It better not be, because I didn't spend all that time trying to help you for nothing.
Haha ponyboy youd be screwed haha
Oh Thats Nice To Know...
he has already been screwed by cherry!!! hahaha jkjkjk and kitkat i dont drink or smoke its not a bad thing
pony i will turn you into the sister kit has always wanted if you screwed cherry <3
Owww! That Would REALLY Hurt! :D But I Didn't Wanna With Cherry...
Please do so Blair! Ponyboy has to be good for something. :D
Like What :D Can I Be In Playgirl?
carson would enjoy if you were in playgirl pony , so yes you can
Haha! Really?... I Think Kristi Would 2!!! I Like That Idea!
I don't.
she really does . when shes screwing seth shes thinking of you
Pony in Playgirl..........hmmmmmm(gag!!!!!) bad idea
I'll look at the bright side. I'll finally get the sister I've always wanted. And hopefully, stop screwing with Sherri.
exactally kit ! its win win
yup but sherri would like it if u were in playgirl
no , i think playboy is more her style
You guys should have a show called, Girl talk with Brooke,Carson, Blair, Jamie, and Kitkat!!!! Your theme song could be, We do this show to annoy Johnny and gross him out.......blahblahblah! Jk......me and pony should talk about guy stuff more offen instead of getting sucked into girl talk........just saying!
ur too gay to do dat then u guys could have a show called boy talk wit Johnny, Dally, Ponyboy,and Sodapop. Your theme song could be : We do this show to act all tough though we r all really gay..............then u wouldnt get sucked in to girl talk........................jkjkjkjk HAHAHA
You forgot Darry, Jamie. I bet he would like to be a part of it.
But then he'll feel lonely and is going to spend more time with us girls and well, eventually he'll become gay too.
ha he works too much to get lonely
Wait You Guys Confused Me.... Anyways Darry Will Get His Own Show... Where He Can Talk To Himself!
it can be a dating show !
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