But when I finally got it right, I was not dissapointed with what I saw. I rang the doorbell and Andrew, well I figured he was Andrew, open the door and smiled at me. "You must be Kitty? Right?" Kitty? Kitty? Did he just called me a cat? Miau. "KitKat." I said. "Or Kit, KittyKat, or Curtis, or a bunch of more nicknames but I'm sure we can leave that to another occation." I said. Jamie walked towards us and winked at me when she saw me. "Well, as you know this is Andrew and this guy over here....." She lead me towards Mark, who was sitting in a couch but stood up at my sight. "Is Mark. Your date." She said. I looked over to Mark. God I felt awkard. Really awkard. Mark took a step closer to me. Yay, he was tall. "Hey, I'm KitKat Curtis. Jamie's friend." I said. For the first time in all my life, I wasn't sure what to say. The world was really spinning out of control. Mark smiled. "Yeah I know. Jamie here told me all about you." I smiled and turn to look at Jamie. "She did huh? All bad I hope." I turned to look at Mark. "And all true." Jamie called from where she was standing. We laughed. Yay for the awkardness. Note: If you ever want to have me speechless, hook me up with some guy I don't know and tell me it's a date. That would probably come in handy for my brothers. Anyway, we stood like that for some long five minutes. I'm not sure about Mark, but I was fighting with myself trying to get my charismatic traits to work and establish conversation. "Hey love birds, the movie is tonight." Someone, I'm not sure who it was, either Andrew or Jamie, called from the front door. "You know what. I think it would be a better idea if Kit and I stayed here." Mark said with a cheerful voice. I turned to look at him, now being my usual self. "Well, this is a monarchy and I rule. So let's go to that movie because I say so." I said smiling. He chuckled. "As you wish my Queen." I grabbed him by the arm and followed Andrew and Jamie. The movie was one word. Dull. But it was the only one they were playing, so we went in. But it wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't for me. Mark kept me laughing all the movie. Actually, while Andrew and Jamie were kissing, that's what we did, laugh. Until it came a time that a guard had to get us out of the room because we were 'disrupting' the entertainment. Whatever. Still, that didn't stop us. Even outside, we kept on laughing and laughing and laughing. When the movie ended and Andrew and Jamie catched up with us -I don't think they even noticed we were kicked out. They were so into themselves- we went for some pizza. And kept laughing. Jamie and Andrew kept looking at us as if we were cuckoo. I think we annoyed them a little, but hey, it was better than making out and totally ignoring the other couple. But we got them into our conversation so it was all well. Finally, we said good-bye to Andrew and Jamie, and went out way.
We weren't sure were to go, so we just wandered around town, trying to stay as close as possible to our side of town, since I wasn't up to beat someone tonight or have to see Mark do the same. We were walking through a park, when I suddenly felt like being a kid once more. There was a rocket ship there. A red nose points to the sky. Metal bars run from the nose all the way down to blue fins holding the ship off the ground. Between the nose and the finds are three platforms, connected by three ladders. On the top level is a steering wheel. On the mid level is a slide that leads down to the playground, or what's left of the playground. "Try to catch me." I poked Mark and ran towards the rocket. Through one of the three ladders I climbed up to the upper level. From up there, I watched Mark smiled as he reached the rocket. "That's not fair. You had advantage." I smiled. "Oh poor baby. I'm sure you'll figure something out." He smiled, his smile was truly special. Sencire, yet childish. "I'll come up and get you." He said. "No!" I called. "I'll be right down. Let me take the slide." I said. Then, he said three magical words, I had never heard anyone tell me before. "I'll catch you." Dissapointed? Let's hope not. You can just imagine how hard and fast my heart was pounding. I felt it was going to free itself from my chest. I climbed down the top ladder and sat on the slide. I looked down at Mark, who had his arms open, ready to catch me. I was nervous. I was scared. I pushed off. My hair was flying behind me. He raised his arms to catch me, I raised mine so he could. And then, without warning, or even a slight hint of what his actions would be, he kissed me as I literally slide into his arms. And it was one word. Beautiful. I kissed back and we stayed like that for several wonderful minutes. There wasn't anything awkard about it. Just a kiss. Unexpected, but that's the best kind. When we pushed back, and it took us some time to push back, Mark grabbed my hand and walked me over to the swings. And he pushed me as I swung high in the sky. And then... And then what happened? We left.
I opened the door to my house and started to walk in dancing. Darry looked at me with one 'wtf' looks that I was so used to now a days. Katie and Soda where there and they smiled at me, followed by Soda telling something about me to Darry that I couldn't quite hear, but defenetley about me. I walked into my room and lay down in the bed. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't tired. All I could think of where two things: Mark. And a thank-you note for Jamie.

aww Kit's got a crush !
and i'll give the shoes back .... at somepoint before the world ends
and i like the new blog
Since I can't post this in your blog Johnny, because my fucking computer doesn't want to. I'm posting it here. If you can make your comments be posted in another tab, I would appreciate it. Since it is the only way I can post.
Listen to me kid, and listen to me real good, 'cause I'm only going to say this once. You and Pony gotta sort things out. I know that you're upset, and I'm pretty sure I know why. Do you want me to say it? It has 100% to do with Pony getting drunk. Yeah, like that is something new. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is my theory. You have always had bad expirences with alcohol have you? You're parents are drunken assholes, excuse my language but I don't think you'll mind me calling them that, if so, I'm sorry. They beat you and Brooke when they are drunk and probably fight with themselves when they are too. And now, you're best friend is falling in what could be your parents footsteps, and you don't want to be another victim of that. Let me ask you something, not only to you Johnny, but to all of you who are mad at Pony, including myself. Why is it? Why is it that you are head over heels angry at Ponyboy for getting drunk once, maybe twice, when you don't at me, that used to get drunk everyday? Excuse me if I'm being selfish, but I really need you to think about that. Or maybe, not even me, but any one of us?
Let me tell you a story Johnny. A story about how I lost my best friend. Do you remember that girl I was talking about the other day? The girl that got me to taste my first cigarette and had me sick for a couple of days? Well, her name, as you might know, is Janet Scott. And she used, believe it or not, to be my best friend. Absolute best friend. You can ask Darry or Soda or even Pony. Now, I hate her guts. Why so? Because something, insignificant as the crab's immortality, came in between us and we never sort things out. We never sat down to talk to each other. We let that little thing tore our friendship. I'm not going. Mark my words, I'm not going to let that happen to you two. I suggest you talk your differences and be civilized people. I'm not saying it's bad to be mad a Pony. Actually, good, good that you're mad. Let you emotions flow, but be willing to sit down and listen to the other person. Talk to each other, things might get ugly, but eventually the dust has to settle, and then you see if there's hope. But please, be willing to listen to each other.
YAY for Mark and u srry about me and andrew making out the entire movie it was fun for us.......anyways im glad that worked out so ur welcome oh and mark called me and asked for ur # i already gave it to him and he said that u were the first thing that had ever captured his heart he loved that u were so free and unconcious that u were being u and not all slut flirty
Everyone Is Mad At Me? :(
im not i think johnny is overeacting i understand how serious wat u did was ponyboy but we all make mistakes and some of us learn from them u learned from it so i think johnny is being a hypocrite
Ok, can we go back to the part we talk about my night with Mark?
definitley i dont want to think about that rite now!!! :(
Whoa! A hypocrite? Really......thanks for hurting my feelings and our friendship!
i didnt seem to hurt you wen you hurt pony's feelings!
moving BACK to kit and mark , sounds like you had fun ! and i will bring you thouse shoes .... as soon as i find them . Lol
Haha! Wow Blair. I Dont Think Ur A Hypocrite Johnny. Ur Just Touchy...
he's protective!! i think... right johnny!!!:D
btw im the one who said ur a hypocrite and wat friendship johnny? U R TEARING THIS FAMILY(GANG) APART and why should i consider ur feelings when u dont have consideration for mine? so idc about u or ur feelings at the moment dally dont get up in my case about yelling at ur "johnnycake" cuz idk...........im pissed.............i .........yeah
Well If U Dont Care About Johnny,It's Like Ur Saying U Dont Care About The Gang! :( Face It, We All Are.
NO thats not wat im saying as long as he dont have consideration for my feelings i dont hav consideration for his
duh pony its not that hard!!! :p
But I Thought We Were A Big Family, That Loved Each Other?!?!?! Like The Brady Bunch! LoL!
i guess not...........
lmao ik!!!
mmmmhm. u sed it..lol
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