School was, well, as far as school can get. Sometimes boring, sometimes fun, sometimes annoying, you get the picture. But today, it was defenetly entertaining. So I was on my way to lunch when, you won't believe this, of all people, Sherri Valance walked up to me and said: "You'd been telling the whole senior class that I'm a slut?" I half looked at her, enjoying myself, this was way better than beating her. She had never in my life talked one word to me, but this sure was an enjoyable conversation. "So what if I did? At least I didn't go looking for it." I said, trying very hard to not burst out laughing and keeping my cool. She looked at me with disgust, as if I was the one sleeping with every boy I could get my hands on. "Look Sherri," Yep I called her Sherri. "You just stay away from my brother, 'cause it's your fault Kristi doesn't direct a word to Ponyboy. Now you better do as you said and avoid him during school because you are so much better than us." I said and headed towards the cafeteria. I could feel her look thrust upon me, but I couldn't help but smile and chuckled, of course I didn't let her know. Could this day get any better? I'm sorry Ponyboy, but I just had to.
Anyway, when school ended I was heading straight home, when one of my school friends (not buddies, just plain friends), Deanna, came over to me and asked me if I wanted to go to a party later that night. And my answer was? What else? Yes, of course. Deanna is part of the Middle Class and the good thing about her is, she doesn't care what your address is, one of the many reasons I like her. I smiled to myself as I headed back home. This day could defenetly get better. So at my house I did my homework like super mega ultra fast. It was Chemistry, so it was like piece of cake. And basically waited for Darry to come back home so I could tell him. I sat on the couch and watched T.V. until Ponyboy came in with Kristi. They sat on the couch next to me and saw the movie that was playing with me, until they started snogging. I rolled my eyes. At least they weren't over each other.... Yep, they were. So I stood up, since they had literally pushed me off the couch and headed for my room. "Don't worry about me, you can have the couch. I didn't even want to see the movie. I had to do some stuff anyway, so yeah." There, I looked for an outfit to wear to the party. This was defenetily not Buck's so, anything would not do. I put on a strapless white blouse and a jean skirt. THE TYPE THAT DARRY DOES ALLOW! :/ I went searching for some heels in my mother's closet 'cause the only pair I have are over at Blair's. And have been for the last three months. But just saying. So I did the whole make-up and hair thing, and finally, Darry came home, followed by Sodapop. He was surprised to see me dressed like that and was like: "Where are you going?" "Well, I was invited to a party tonight so, I'm going out." Notice how I said 'I'm going' and not asked my permission. That's the clue ladies, always be in control. "Buck's? You know how I feel about you going there." I rolled my eyes. The truth is, Darry hates when I go to Buck's 'cause usually I get so drunk I pass out. "No, I'm going to a party, that's all." I said and before he could answer, the doorbell rang and I headed towards the door. I knew it was Deanna, 'cause no one of you people ever knocks or rings the bell. I shut the door followed by a "Don't do anything reckless. Come back early. And most importantly, don't sleep with anyone you have known for under 15 minutes." Sigh.
The party was, to my surprise, at a Soc's house. I could just see my day going down. I just hope I didn't see 'Slut' Valance there. Deanna introuducced me to her friends and for the first time in all my life, I felt awkard around a bunch of people. Go figure. So the party went, as any party could go, though this was like ten times better than a typical night at Buck's. Until I saw, the slut, again. Why couldn't she just stay at her home? I was wondering around that big house, looking well, for a man. 'Cause everyone has a boyfriend of girlfriend and I'm at the bottom of the social ladder. That simply cannot be. And I found one. Unfortunately. I was just standing there, trying to figure out what the hell was I doing in a place I defenetely don't belong by all means and purposes, when a guy came by me. "Hey pretty lady do you want to share a drink with me?" What else could I have said? He was gorgeous. "But of course." He smiled and took me by his arm to a little living room, everyone was using to make out. "I'll be right back sweetheart." He said and stood up to get something to drink. When he came back he had to cups of champange. Yep people, champange. I had never in my entire life taste that. It's far too expensive for out budget, and this time I had the opportunity to get one for free. "By the way, I'm Michael." He said. "KitKat." I said. He looked at me funny. That's just the bad thing about telling someone your name when you belong to my family. I was expecting the funny comment but what I got was much more worse. "No thank you." I was like what the fuck. "No, KitKat." I said again. "No seriously, I don't want any chocolate, I just want to know your name." Sigh to a hundred times. "No you don't understand, KitKat." I said pointing to myself. The guy smiled warmly and I was finally glad he had understood me. Not. "Ok, if you insist." I was about to slap myself. Could he be any more damn stupid?! "No, my name is 'KitKat'." I said and stood up to leave him with his fancy drink, lack of brains, and still hopes to get the chocolate. That just kind of piss me off all the way. So I started dancing like crazy. Then, a group of girls, Soc girls, came over to me and kind of surrounded me. There were five against one. Shit. The one at the front was a honey blonde girl, I could have swear she was in my class. She spoke first. "What are you doing here Greaser? Don't you got your own white trash party to attend to? Or should I say, charity case?" I could have swore I would have hit her, but that wouldn't be too lady-like now would it? This battle had to be fought with words and so I did. Not too good to be honest, but I did. "You know what? You're right, but then again, if I leave this party would just be another snob show. You should thank me for making this a little bit more, what's the word? Decent? Perhaps?" See? I'm no good with fighting with words. The blondie one took a step closer. We were face to face, inches from each other. I swear, for a moment I thought she was going to kiss me, or I hit her. "Get out Greaser. Or I'll have you thrown out, and I don't think that would be pretty." I was about to speak, when someone from behind did for me. "She can't be thrown out, because she's with me." I saw the blonde one give me one of those hatred glanzes and turn around, followed by her little minions. "Thanks." I said and turned around to see a gorgeous face. Even more gorgeous than the one before. "No problem." The guy said. I was about to walk away to avoid another scene like the other, when the guy caught my arm and gently turn me around. "So, since we are technically together, thanks to me, would you like to maybe have a drink with me." I stood there for a moment, not sure what to say. It's not that I'm shy around guys, c'mon, I basically live with them, but, I just wasn't sure what this was going to led to. I couldn't go for another 'No I don't want chocolate' scene. Shit this was even more difficult than before. Where were my friends when I needed them. They could have just hit me on the back so I could speak. "Um, sure, why not?" I said and started to walk with him. He took me to another room where there was kind of like a bar counter and we both sat down. "You want me to order for you or..." "No," I cut him off. "I can do it all by myself." I said with my now normal cheerful voice. He chuckled and the waiter came over to us. I couldn't help but think 'this people are so damn rich they have a bar in their own house'. "Yes?" The guy said. "Mmm, let's see, I want a cherry booze and he..." I turn to look at him. "You look like the type for mango," Then I turn to look at the waiter. "Yep and a mango booze too. Thank you." I turn to look at the guy, he chuckled. "Woah, you do love to be in control don't you?" "Well, I live with three brothers back at home, so someone has to be in control." I said. He leaned closer and I froze. "I'm Talan." He said. I suddenly felt relief. I wanted to say that's a funny name, but then again, I'm like the last person that can say that. "Nice to meet you Talan, I'm KitKat." I said, kind of waiting to the 'chocolate' scene but somehow not expecting to come from this guy. "KitKat, that is a very pretty name. Unique also. Kind of like yourself." Awwww. "Why thank you." He turned towards the dancing floor and then back at me. "Want to dance?" I look at the dance floor too, then back at him. "You haven't danced in your life unless you have dance with me." I said. He chuckled and took me by his arm.
We are staying just like friends. Because well, there is nothing really special going on between us. I just found my best friend, that's all, kiddos. Don't get your hopes up.

I Think Im The Last Person In The World That Could Say "That's A Funny Name!"
this is a very long post kit ,
but very enteraining so its all good
thats nice
its good you found a frend im sorry u didnt find a bf
Friends with benefits.
but she sed there was nuthin between them:P
nothing YET
kit , i'm going to get back in school just so i can cut all those btichy soc girls and get kicked out again
you'll have to wear the uniform!
nahh , not plaining on staying around that long
just as Car said, friends with benefits ;].
right ur ok with friends for benefits wit some guy she met at a party but not wit andrew who ive known since like da 4th grade( i started dating him 2 weeks ago)!!!!!
I think that's why he doesn't like him. 'Cause he doesn't drink or smoke.
haha exactally !
besides i made a smart move , date your brothers best friend since grade school and your in the gold .
but i only think of them as brothers!!!! and btw andrew likes u guys even if u dont like him
I like him. I should hang out with you guys and get to know him.
i think she was talkin bout two-bit n blair but he seems nice
never said i didnt like him , i said shes too young to date . he seems nice , and funny and smart . accually if he was a chick i'd totally make him my new best friend
You know me, I have my funny feelings and I'm usually right. You can hate me James, I'm just tryin' to tell you what's best for you. AND KitKat's not my baby sister.
anyway everyone likes him besides u twobit wat does that tell u maybe ur WRONG so ur gonna meet him for me and findout urself
and r u sure ur funny feelings rnt just gas again ..............hahahaha mwahahahaha....that was evilll..............srry i just sat through a bad soap opera
Damn Right they are Jamie. And when i have those funny feelins I'm gonna come and sit on ya, kay?
thats disgutsing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't met him. So I think I'll just go on Two-Bit's side because he's all alone :D
ur mean carson and if u do dat i swear i will tell ur new gf things............bad thing......mwahahaha.......srry again
nice carson and its bf not gf
not that part
that was to twobit
o lol nvr mind
you two confuse me ... as in alot
yea ik im confused thats y i sed nvr mind duh!
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