A broken heart. Yes you will have them and yes they hurt. But guess what? The world doesn't stop because your heart got broken. Things happen for a reason. If the relationship didn't work it is because it wasn't meant to be in the first place. At least not at the moment. Life is a perfect plan and out of that perfect plan every situation, every expirence is carefully taken into action. If it didn't work out in the first try, try again, or move on. But go forward. Don't stay in pause because the world WON'T wait for you. Love IS about rejection. Getting your heart broken is just another way to remember that you're alive. Don't go begging for love, wishing for love, or crying for love. Just LIVE!
Love triangles. Guys, c'mon. You go through this as if it was the end of the world. Maybe it is for you, but hell the world doesn't end because of this. As I told you already. THINGS HAPPEN FOR A FUCKING REASON! It gets on my nerves to see longlife friends yell at each other because of something like this. I know, seeing the boy you love be with someone else hurts. I won't deny that, but don't fall for someone unless their willing to catch you. Everyone, YES EVERYONE, has someone special meant for them and sometimes, that special someone turns out to be the last person you expected. If this person doesn't love you back, sweeties, don't waste your love on it. Move on, because in the long run, that's way better than living a lie.
Depression. Yes, everyone is entitle to feel sad sometimes, but some of you abuse the priviledge. Guys, c'mon, you act like you're 60 and upset about where your life ended up. Dudes, you're young! You got your whole freaking weird life ahead of you! You have the chance to grow up with style and live every freaking crazy moment of it. Every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you will never get back. You may think I'm acting like Little Miss Sunshine over here, but what the fuck is wrong about that? Someone has to make everyone's life a little bit more happy. I think the whole reason all of you are depressed is because something is not ok in your lives. Either because you have a broken heart, had a bad day, are involve in a love triangle, where you're standing, whatever, but dudes, you'll never feel better if you don't let all of that go and start all over. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Who cares what others think? You are who you are and you should love it. No one is 100% like you and will never be.
Pablo Neruda wrote a poem and I think all of you should read it and understand it.
It Is Now Forbidden
It is now forbidden to cry without learning.
To wake up one day and no longer have dreams.
To become afraid of your own memories.
It is now forbidden to not smile in the face of adversity.
To stop fighting for those you love.
To abandon it all because of your fears.
Or to give up in making your own dreams come true.
It is now forbidden to pretend we don't need to understand each other.
To place less value in the lives of others.
To ignore each of us has a unique path to joy...
To ignore each of us has a unique path to joy...
It is now forbidden not creating your story.
To not have a moment for the people that need you.
To not understand that life gives but also takes.
It is now forbidden to give up on happiness.
To abandon all optimism.
To quit improving ourselves.
To believe the world will be a better place without you.
So guys, be happy, because life goes by very fast. I don't want you to wake up one day and wonder 'what would have happened if...?'. Life will be tough at times, but that's why we got each other. We are best friends and as Brookie once said, 'Best friends. It's not a label, it is a promise.' I'm here for you. Always have and always will. I will continue to yell at you when you're being idiots and hug you when you're crying. Because I LOVE YOU.

Awwww Kitty ur so right and so smart. Yay!
Yea ikr kit? Everyones always complaining about being sad and it's kinda annoying o-0...but this really made me feel better and think. Thanks my biffers fer liffers XD
kit must i say it becuz i think u know it "UR RIGHT ONCE AGAIN" u remind me of that character in the movie meet the robinsons "im right im always right, even when im wrong im right" idk why
but i agree wit wat ur saying
Wow I aucally read ALL of this!!!!!! Whoo!!!!! Some powerful words.......makes me think and stuff. You making us look like complete idoits!!!!! Haha :p
You have so many good sayings Kit? "Don't fall for someone unless they are willing to catch you" is one of my faves. The little end paragraph reminded me of this quote.. "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller :)
Kitty.... I Love You!! Well U Know What I Mean.... And What I Have 2 Say Now.... Your My Fav. Sister! :D
kit your always right i should no that by now
Awwe you remeber what I say ! That makes me feel so loved <3 ! And I don't think I have to tell you once again that you're right, but you are !
kit! god how can someone be rite all the time??? and ur rite! about everything you sed!!!!!
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