The next morning I woke up at noon. There was no one home just a letter that said "Went to work. Didn't want to wake you up. Enjoy no school today. Don't do anything reckless. Love, Darry." Sigh. He has too little trust on me. Either way, I invited Two-Bit to my place and he catched me up with some news that we were having a rumble later that day and of course, a partay! That made my day, except for the fact that I knew I wouldn't be part of the rumble, which just sucks. Later that day, the whole gang was over at my house and we were discussing the whole rumble thing. I was following Darry around and literally begging for him to let me be part of the rumble but all he said was a big fat 'NO', he didn't even let me give my arguments. "Ponyboy here is going and the kid can barely defend himself." "I don't care, you're not going." "It's because I'm a girl right? Fuck it's because I'm a girl!" And so on and so forth. Steve, Soda, and Two-Bit tried to convince him otherwise but he's hot-head won't let me. That pissed me off. In the end it was Brookie, Blair, Katie, Jamie, Evie, and me alone in the house. I crossed my arms and sat down at in the couch pissed off at the dick face of my brother. Brookie tried to cheer me up saying that she wasn't allowed either but frankly that pissed me off even more. In the end Blair laughed at me and when I asked her why she said "Because you're really stupid for actually doing what Darry tells you. I'm surprised you took his crap and are not there already". That made me think for a sec. Blair was right. I have total right to beat the crap of those socs if I wanted to. I stood up and rushed out of my house towards the parking lot.
The fight had already started but I was there and it was cool. I got there, trying to see how everyone was doing. Carson was doing pretty good, she has never needed help, but when I saw Jells, I immidiatly rushed towards her, just to find myself hit in the face by a douche. I just punched back, in the face and the stomach. I got a soc off Jells back and we both started to beat the crap out of them, until Dallas came in and finished it for us. "Glad to see you here." Jells said. "Glad to be here." And then, thanks to the distraction, two socs punched me from behind and were literally over me. I have never been in a rumble, neither have I ever been jumped, this was a whole new expirence for me, and even though I tried the hardest, trying to get two big guys off me within punchs and kicks wasn't easy. Darry came to my rescue. He was fucking mad, but he let it go. He just told me how to easily knock them out and if the cops got there, beat the hell out of there immediatley, and for the first time he said something I have never heard him say before. "I'm proud of you kid." I looked up at him, not believing my ears. He was proud of me? Of me? How? Why? In the darkness of the confusion I found myself in an atmosphere I was stranger to. It hit me right then and there. I shook the feeling and started to beat the socs up. All the times they had jumped and scared my friends, all the times they had made my life myserable, they were finally paying the price. Nothing could stop me. Without noticing, I was face to face with a guy probably way bigger and stronger than me. But rage and anger took over and I was instantly punching him everywhere, and he did the same. He punched me straight in the nose and almost broke it. Blood was purring all over me. It made me sick and dizzy. I couldn't let it control me. Not again. I was tired of being scared of blood. I shook the feeling and punched the soc so hard in the face that I'm surprised I didn't broke my nuckles. Dallas came over me. "Nice one Kit." He said and took off. I hadn't seen Dawn, but she was there, and she was getting beat up pretty badly. I don't know why I felt like this, but anger was conquering me. I truly HATED those socs. No one beats my best friend but me! Pack of jerks. It was three against one. I tried to take them off her, but it wasn't easy, and one of them slap me in the face saying something along the lines of 'back off bitch'. One of them knocked me out so hard, I hit the floor. Everyting hurted. I couldn't feel anything and I was half unconcious, you can just imagine the pain and the strongness of the punchs and kicks. The next thing I knew was Soda shaking me urgently to wake up. I saw Two-Bit in the distance beating the crap of the same soc that knocked me unconcious. Soon after that, the socs all runned away in their stupid existance and Soda helped me up. Woah, I truly felt like shit, but it felt good nonetheless.
Later that night, we returned to my house for a party in victory. Blair smiled at me when she saw me all covered in blood and gave me a thumps up. I told her it would have been way better if her preggo self could have come. She just looked at me with her 'evil look', joking of course. I went straight to be bathroom to puke my guts off at too much blood, but felt good with myself. Soda and Pony started to get everything ready, while Darry helped me heal the bruises and cuts. He used fucking alcohol! That hurted like shit. I kept yelling and urgen him to stop, and everyone laughed. I couldn't help but laugh at times also. I had a black eye and several cuts and bruises. Made me look so tough. ;) We got music loud and we started to party. Two-Bit brought tons of beer and with 'approval' of Darrel got myself drunk to hell. That felt even better! Missed you my dear friend alcohol. After a some music and a couple of beers later, we started playing a new invented game by Steve. It was called: Beer Ball. I hope the title was self-explanatory. We went outside and took all of our beer bottles, full and empty. Pony took the bat and we started playing the game. The basic idea was, we threw the beer bottled and hit it with the bat. Got ourselves showered in the alcoholic substance and tried to miss the glass pieces of each bottle. We all got our turn and when it was mine, I hit the bottle and instead of breaking it, it was thrown to a tree. Why? I don't know. But anyway, Two-Bit started climbing the tree to get it. It was the funniest thing he has ever done. He was so drunk he couldn't keep his balance. He felt several times and laughed. Then, he couldn't get off, so we had to get him off ourselves. It was funny because between Dallas and Soda they tried to get him off and they couldn't get themselves balanced either. So we let him there until we managed a way to get him off. Sorry Tibby. Anyway, anyone else want to add what happened after that? I just remember the cops driving by cause some apeface (not you guys, the apefaces we got as neighbours) called them cause our music was 'disturbing the peace' and we ran out towards my house, leaving Two-Bit still stuck on a tree. We laughed our heads off because he kept making noises and since the cops couldn't see him got pretty scared and just drive off. So cops are fat, annoying, and stupid. LOL.

FIRST COMMENT! Thanks for helping me out in the rumble. I just realized how dangerous Beer Ball really is. Wow we were sloshed.
second is the best jells. it says it in a song!. and nah. i was alright kitty. but that one guy was atleast a foot taller then me. :/. couldnt take um. :p. lol. otherwise. i went all out. i didnt see u much either.
wheer was evryone else ??? Where was james Emily candie david shyler Evie Lillian and excetra???
I didn't see them sweetie. Could have been there.
i kno were shy was..and it wasnt thier.
Kitty it made me happy to read this. :D much better then when I read Dawn's and almost cried D:
sorry :/..
So, I'll comment on my post to make me feel better.
Comment 11
comment 12
comment 13
comment 14
comment 15
oh look! a penny!
comment 16
comment something.
comment.... lalalalala, oh yeah, keep counting. number 18?
what comes after 18 but before 20?
uh..... number 1!!!
no idiot, number 19.
oh yeah...
I already commented so......BROOK DONT STEAL MONEY TO GO BUY BOOTS!!!!
LMFAO!!!! johnny i wont i didnt see it!!!!!!! but see u didnt know that u did and so u commented agen!!!!
comment 23 :D
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