I walked towards my room. There was a pink book lying in the night table. I brought with me wherever I went. So peaceful, full of memories and thoughts of a girl. A girl that came to stay. It was decorated with hearts and flowers. At the upper middle was a name written, formed with gemstones that made up each letter. "KitKat" I smiled. I wonder how long I have kept that little pink book. It was my secret place. The only place where I could say just whatever I want the way I wanted. No one looked inside it and it was mine. A piece of something to call mine. There was no one in the house, so I decided to read it. See what I had to say when my life was easier and my worries were about who had the brand new toy. Simply, the thoughts of a child. I turned the cover over and little by little, I began to read the words that filled each page. The time clock went backwards, and suddenly, as if it was by magic, I found myself with only six years. Eleven years I went back in time. Who knew time passed so quickly? Looking at the purple-ink letters, I smiled. I was a kid once again.
Today there was no school. Yay! That made me oh so happy! No school means, spending time with Dawn! And I always like spending time with my BFF. I woke up early to get ready and go to her house. When I stepped into the dinning room, dad was just finishing coffee and was ready to go to work. He's always working. I wished I saw more of him. But it's always fun when he comes home in the night. He takes us to play football or maybe for an ice-cream if he got paid that day. He smiled when he saw me and kissed me on the forehead as he walked out the door and straight to his job. Mom stepped out of the kitchen, holding a plate with pancakes. That made me sad. I don't like pancakes and mom knows that. The why did she made pancakes? She put the plate on the table and called us to come eat breakfast. I had definitley woke up early. Usually, Soda or Darry have to come and wake me up. But not today, because I'm going over to Dawn's and I'm so excited! Pony and Soda raised each other to the table, almost knocking each other as my mom scolded both of them to be careful. I was too sad about the pancakes to laugh at them. "Mom. Why did you make pancakes? I don't like pancakes." I said. Mom turned to look at me just as she was finished serving the food in my brother's plates. She smiled at me and leaned closer. "I know sweetie, that's why I made something special for you." I smiled. I loved how my mommy always gave me special surprises. Pony disagreed. "How come she get's special surprises?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Because she's the little princess in the family." I chuckled as Darry kissed me morning and messed with Pony's hair. "Still, not fair." Pony complained.
Later that day, Darry walked with me to Dawn's house. It isn't far away. Actually, they live just a block away or something, but for some reason, mom doesn't like that I wonder around town alone. So either Darry or Soda walk with me. It's kind of sad. Because I love to wonder. But Soda says it has something to do with the kids from the other side of town. The nice side. I tried not to really think about it. The less I think about something, the less complicated it gets. Weird, right? Anyway, Dawn's dad welcomed me as always to their house. I was surprised to see him home, but Dawn explained that her dad now worked in the night so he could spend the day with them. Sometimes, when the night is cold and dark, dad stays late for work, and comes back way later after I already am asleep. That makes me sad. Anyway, I started playing with Dawn Barbie's. Which was so much fun because between Brookie, her, and me, we convinced Johnny to play. I told him that we needed to have a prince charming in the game or our dolls would never get married and have kids. And that just can't be. That was until we got bored, that's when we asked Dawn's dad to take us to the park. He seemed tired, but he agreed anyway. But Johnny refused to go unless we brought Pony. Ugh. The usual tag-along. So we stopped by my house, to get Pony, only to find out that Steve was there with Soda, and they both wanted to come. Sigh. The other tag-alongs. Dawn asked if Darry wanted to come also, and I jut looked at her. "Sure, why don't you invite my parents too?" I said with a bit of sarcasm but with a grin in my face.
At the park, we found out that Dawn's dad had brought some balloons with him, which could only mean one thing. BALLOON FIGHT!!! Yay! We divided into two teams, boys and girls. But we were three girls against five boys, which is like so not fair. But then, Carson was there with a new girl. I think I had seen that girl somewhere before. She had light blonde hair, almost, ALMOST, silver blonde. Car introuduced her as Blair. Blair Matthews. Wasn't she in the first grade with me? I can't remember. Oh wait, I remember now. Blair is that girl that Mrs. Redlock is always yelling at. She makes me laugh. So we invited them over to join the SUPER MEGA ULTRA COOL TEAM OF GIRLS and played against the boys. Between Brookie and Pony, the balloons got filled, while the big kids a.k.a us, started to throw balloons at each other. I was winning. Yay! No one is match for me. But then Darry took me by surprised, and started to hug me, which was like so weird, since we were supposedly fighting. And that's when Soda and Steve came running holding a hose and started to get me wet. Dawn came to my rescue but Johnny helped Darry hold her. I was probably screaming and then Blair and Carson managed to get the hose from Soda and Steve and started to get them wet. Meanwhile, I was still in Darry's arms and couldn't get off.
That lasted the whole day until we were like soaking wet and really needed to go change, otherwise we could get wet. When I got to my house I asked mom permission to invite Dawn, Car, and Blair over, I wanted to introuduce her the new girl and get to know her. As always, mom wans't so sure, but dad was there, and he just smiled and convinced mom. I don't know how he does it, but every time dad smiles mom acts somehow stupid and just says 'yes' to everything. Darry says its love but what is love? As far as I know, that's the word mom and dad use when we get grounded 'I do it because I love you'. If that's the case, I don't want anyone to love me.
I closed the book and smiled at myself. Me and my crazy thinking. I woke up from the memory to find myself eleven years later. A seventeen year-old girl. Who knew so much could change in so little time?

Haha. Sweet memory. I was probably off being anti-social.
I'm saying AWWW way too much today but ok
AWWWWWWWW that was sweet kittie
dont worry Jel i was probably at home cuz blair was really young when we were new and so i was like a toddler
lmao i remember that kit!!!!!! dont worry james!!! i was a toddler too!!! and me and pony kept droppin the balloons so my dad had to cum help us with them!!! but the "older kids" were gettin mad at us cuz they were meanie's!!!!!!!!!
Kit I laughed. I had the day running through my head like a movie while I was reading it :]
where was i :[
Um.... WATCHING MICKEY MOUSE AT HOME! Sorry Two-Bit but we didn't know you back then. Hell, we had just met the blondie Blair. You'll be in my next memory.
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