Heywood C. Broun once said: "I might resume the habit of going to church if the preacher would be honest enough to stand up some morning and say, 'Perhaps next Sunday, but not today,' and then sit down." Which has everything and nothing to do with my post. I just found that really really hilarious, dunno why, AND it had the word 'Sunday' in it. Hahahahahahaha. Okay... stopping now...
So yesterday I was going over my 'Things To Do Before I'm Old As Darry' list, which I will post about later, and decided that this was a fine Sunday to do number 49. Get a belly button ring. A belly button ring people! Oh yeah! I had gone with Dawn on Saturday to the same place where Brookie got hers and just as I was about to be passed into the room where the shit happens, I was asked for my ID or in any case, my parent or guardian note. -.- "I didn't bring my fake ID today but I can come later with it." I said but the stupid bitch they have as a receptionist didn't find my joke funny. No one ever finds my jokes as funny as I do. Sigh. So, I was given the permision slip and had to come back when it was sighed. I asked if they could do me the favour of stapeling it around my wrist. I mean really, if they where already treatnig me like a fucking five year-old, they might as well get the whole job done. She didn't find it that amusing either. Some people have no sense of humor.
So broken hearted and left with no hope of getting my belly button pierced now, we walked towards my house. It's sad, I know. The whole way home I had to think about how was I going to convince Darry to sign my paper. I swear I came up with around twenty different ways, all involving me on my knees and begging him to sign it, or I would die. Yes, they can be twenty different ways to do that. It's not as easy as I make it look. I bet you have all come up with Darry's answer. He said... drum roll please, *drum roll* yes! Ha! As if. No, truth be told, he said no. But as always, that has never stopped me before. When I was done with my lame begging, Dawn and I walked into my room to figure out what how to get my way. She was biting her lip and making a funny face. "What's got into you?" I asked faking indignacy. "I'm sorry." She said. I cocked an eyebrow, Two-Bit's style. "Yeah, you better." We sat down on my bed making The Thinker pose trying to find out plan B. After a few seconds of day-dreaming, Dawn stood up. "I got an idea. But you gotta leave the room and wait for me to call you up. Oh and, send Ponyboy in." She said. I looked at her weird. "Okay..." I said and went to living room. I sat next to Pony, who was watching TV. "Dawn says to go to my room cause she wants to talk to you or something." I said. Pony groaned. "Now?" He said, his glance never leaving the TV. I picked up the remote and changed the channel. "Hey!" "Yeah, now." I said raising the remote in the air to prevent the shortie from reaching it. "Okay. Fine!" He said. I smiled at myself pleased.
I waited around twenty minutes for either Pony or Dawn to call me or make a note that they where still there and had not fucked each other, which was on top of my list as possible things that they could be doing there. Finally, Ponyboy came out of the room, with a stupid smile on his face. I expected the worst. Major ew. "Miss Cade asks to see you." He said.
Miss Cade? What the fuck. I followed Pony into my room and entered when he held the door for me. My eyes went wide. My room was filled with candles and the light dim making the whole atmosphere so movie-like. "Dawn?" I asked. Sitting in an arm chair was my friend dressed up in a tux, petting a fluffy cat, with her hair in a ponytail and greased up. "Ah, yes. Miss Curtis. Please come in." She said. I walked towards her trying very very very hard not to burst into laughter. "You have come here to request my services and help you solve your inconvinience." I swear my mouth dropped open. "Dawn, you made me wait twenty minutes for you to dress up and make a bad immitation of The Godfather." She eyed me coolly. "Such disrespect. Don't worry, I will still help you. As long as you adress me properly and bent to your knees asking for my services." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "God-mother, I have come to you for advice in my time of need. I ask for your wiseness and expirence to help me solve my problem." I was so killing her. "Sure, my child. What is your unresolved issue?" I rolled my eyes. "I need to know how to get my permit slip signed even after my older brother, Darrel, said no." I said playing with a hint of annoyance in my voice. Dawn stopped for a minute to think. "Interesting." She said. She turned to look at me. "Ask Katie Curtis. She will help you in your time of need." Oh god. Why didn't
I think of that? I sighed and stood up. As I walked towards the door, Dawn cleared her throat and I turned around. "What?!" I said. "You did not thank me, my child." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, godmother." I said. "I'm so killing you." She smiled. She was so enjoying herself. I shot her a glare.
Anyway, I took her advice and skipped towards Soda's and Katie's room, where they usually are, fucking or making out, whichever the case, it is never safe to enter without knocking. "Katie?" I said as I opened the door with my eyes closed. "Kitty?" "Yeah. Can I come in? Is it safe to come in?" "Um, sure." I sighed in relief and opened my eyes. "Um, can I ask you for something?" I said. Soda stared at me with curiosity and that was making this more awkward than it should be. "Soda, do you
mind?" I said. He smiled. "Very." Ugh. You people are annoying. "Okay, whatever." I turned towards Katie, taking the permision slip from my pocket. "I need you to sign this." I said handing her the paper. She frowned slightly and read the paper. Petite boy, as usual, snooped around to see what it said. "You're getting a piercing, Kit?" He asked. "No Soda, I'm getting a needle through my skin 'cause it's fun." He smiled innocently. Katie took out a pen and started to doodle all over what I guess was the signature line. "Here." She said smiling. "Thanks Katiekins!" I said and just as I was about to make a run for it, Soda stopped me. "I'm coming with you." I laughed. "Yeah, no. You aren't." "Hey, my wife signed something allowing my sister to get something through her skin. I want to make sure it's safe." I returned him the same innocent smile. "Good luck with that." I said.
"Dawn?" I knocked on my door. "I'm leaving now. With or without you." I said and my best friend hurried out the door. We both walked in silence back to the place. Mainly because I was almost jumping with joy that I will be getting my ring. After a few minutes, Dawn turned to look at me. "You know, Kit, you could have also just fake a signature and the idiots there would have never noticed." She said. I stopped jumping around and turned to look at her. "You mean you made me go through begging to my brother, to treating you like royalty, to asking Katie, for nothing???????" I said. Correction. I WAS killing Dawn Cade tonight. She smiled sweetly. "It wouldn't have been as funny." She said. "Oh, I'll show you funny." I said and started to wrestle with her. I had her arm twisted around her back and she was gasping in pain. "Okay, okay. I get it. Sorry." She said. I let go of her. "Expect my pay-back time."
Anyway, when we got to the place, we found petite boy in the waiting area. "What the?" I said. "Soda, what are you doing here?" Dawn completed for me. "Katie told me where it was. I told you Kit, I wanted to make sure it was safe." Bleh. Katie, I am so disapointed in you. -.- "Okay fine, but not a word, or else..." We sat down next to him and Dawn added. "She means it, Soda." She said winking at him. Those two where getting on my nerves. Breath in, breath out, Kitty. You're getting what you wanted. You got your way. Again. :D When we where called, the bitch lead us to a white room with one of those hospital-like chairs and motioned us to wait. I sat down on the chair, with Dawn and Soda at either side and waited, rather cheerfully, for the 'doctor' dude. "You know, I always wondered how I would look with one of those. But it is so gay." He said. Dawn bit her lip again trying not to laugh and I smiled at my brother. "No Soda, it isn't gay, but you do need a flat stomach." I said smiling. "Oh, burn." Dawn said high-fouring me. "You two are so rude." "We know." We said in unision. We waited five minutes for the dude to come into the room. He was the same one that had done it for Brookie, so he recognize me and smiled. "Hey, Kitty, right?" "Yeah." I said. He lifted my shirt up to reveal my stomach and cleaned the area around the belly button with alcohol. He took out the piercing gun and smiled when he saw my face. Yeah, I don't like needles, and I don't know what scared me the most, that it could hurt or that I could throw up. Either way, I was still doing it. "Okay, Kitty. This might hurt." He said. "Okay, don't worry. I'm fine. Totally calm. Babbling because I'm trying to get distracted." I said. He chuckled and got ready. Dawn extended her hand and I took it. I took Soda's too, just in case. Payback time for both of them. We where silent and the dude let go of the trigger.
Oh. My. Fucking. God. I'm never doing this again. I think I broke Soda's and Dawn's hands and scared half the town with my scream. I didn't know it would hurt
this bad and I should know, cause I took Brookie to get hers. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I didn't even want to look.Once the dude was done and I literally couldn't scream anymore, I got a good look at my belly button ring. It's so pretty! I got this one.

So now I just completed thing to do number 49 and I am so happy at my new piercing. Yay. I know you are all jealous. :D