Ladies and gentlemen, after a few hours of intense thought, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews (my god that sounds so cool) have come up with a few announcements:
Maid of Honour: Angelica Winston My Best Girl: Dawn Cade
Bridesmaids: Blair Mathews
Carson Randle
Jamie Mathews
Katie Curtis
(Jell-O and Dawn, you're both my best friends and since I didn't want to have to choose because I love you both equally, you're both my maids of honour. I just gave it different names to avoid confusions but you both get to do the same things. <3)
Darrel Curtis will be standing as the role of mom and dad. :D
Best Man: Sodapop Curtis
Groomsmen: Steve Randle
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Cade
Dallas Winston
Mrs. Mathews will do, well her thing.
Flower Girls: Breanna Parker
Brooklyn Cade
Ring Bearer: Rhiley Blaze Winston
Everyone is invited! We aren't sure of the date. And we're still discussing more details. That's all for now. We'll keep you posted!

Ahhh, I'm so pumped!
But one question, I just realized everything on your blog is in spanish...has it always been like that? :O
YES! I'm the flower girl :3 lol I love youuuu Kitty, you are forever my sister :)
:) thank youuuuu kitty. im psyched :O itd be "interesting" if you guys and dal and blair had a dual wedding....that'd be WOAH :D haha
aww!! thanx kitty((: and yes angela it has always been like that :P
Woot I'm super physiced. But awh shit does that mean I have to do one of these at some point?
lol blair
yay! "weddings, i love weddings...drinks all around" =D what movie?
this seam s like a lot of fukcin work blair haha :p
Pirates of the Carribean!!!!
yay you win =D
yea no kidding dubs. and look at u miss responsible getting all ur stuff together xD. okay and now i am officially PSYCHED for this wedding. hurry up and pick a date woman!
I'm searching for the perfect date :D
haha shut up
At least I have a date :) does that count for something?
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