So as you may not know, I got a job. Yep, the world has ended. See Ponyboy?! It ain't that hard to believe! -.- The reason I got a job was because a) it was Darrel's supposed 'punishment' for uh, I'm not even sure what he had 'ground' me for but it must've been important. Lol. I just don't really pay attention when he talks. And b) though I had a job while I was away and it got me some easy bucks, it is physically and economically impossible to live from that amount the rest of my life, especially with all the possible expenses I know I'll have in the future. Also, I want to have the money because I want to be able to help my friends when they need it. I want to be able to give them a hand on the thing that we have the hardest time with, money. It's not that I'm turning anyone into my charity case because that's not true, but I don't know, I just want to feel like I can help someone when they need it.
Last Sunday I was job hunting because I just couldn't procrastinate anymore. First I decided to look for a job in the thing that I liked but my options where limited. I knew by law that I wouldn't get a job in any science facility or medical industry and make use of my chemical knowledge. Apparently I need some sort of colleage level knowledge and though I had valid arguments that my knowledge was just as good as those university dudes even though I was a senior in high school, they refused. I was also underage. Fuck my life. So then I went to look at the drag races for some decent thing to do but there is as much as you can really do there. That's when I had the idea that maybe I could race for tips but thought better about it. If Darry asked what I was doing or even worse wanted to see for himself, I would sure get yelled at for not doing something 'productive'. I was left then to just walk around time looking for something. Pony had mentioned in one of his boring conversations that the movie house payed well and had decent jobs but I didn't think that my little brother would like his older sister working on the place he did. Psst. Like I actually wanted to babysit him. Insert rolls eyes. After a long wasted Sunday afternoon I came across a 'Help Wanted' sign at Dairy Queen. I thought what the hell and went to talk to the dude that manages everything there. He asked if I had any expirence working before and I told that I had been a waitress just a few months before but that it wasn't something I wanted to spend my life at. He nodded and then asked if I knew how to handle the whole serving ice-cream thingy. Of course I said that I understood the chemical composition of frozen dessert made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. The mixture of ice cream is then stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream. Making ice cream with liquid nitrogen has advantages over conventional freezing. Also, using liquir nitrogren it creates a rapidly freezing the crystal grains giving the ice cream a creamier texture, and allowing one to get the same texture by using less milkfat. Such ice crystals will grow very quickly via the processes of recrystallization thus obviating the original benefits unless steps are taken to inhibit ice crystal growth... He meant if I could manage the physical process. I felt like an idiot.
So anyway that's how I got my job at Dairy Queen. I think I was jumping of joy when I got home cause the retards asked me what the hell was going on. Soda asked me to deny him the possibility that I just had sexual intercourse. Petite boy, just because you can't keep it in your pants doesn't mean the rest of the world can't either. I rolled my eyes and told then that my long phase of ecomical inactivity I finally had a job... at an ice cream parlor! But no, that does not mean free ice cream, Dallas. So I started Monday afternoon and it was quite an expirence. I suffered a week of listening to bratty socs kids whine to their mothers about how they wanted the big cone and how they could eat it all. -.- I swear I almost yelled to the stupid kid: "Eat it all, for christ sake! If you die of a stomach disease it'll be your own fucking fault but stop talking!" ... That gives me second thoughts about having kids. *shivers* Of course now Two-Bitch spends his whole day here making me company. I swear, Gary (the dude I work for), wanted to offer him a job just for the hell that he do something productive since he basically now lives here. "Curtis, is that order finished?" "Um, I told you Gary that it takes time. Especially since you didn't have the decency of telling me a day in advance." "Well, you'll be working overtime with Half-Wit over there." Two-Bit looked pissed. "Hey! It's Two-Bit!" "Nah, same difference." :D That was my favourite part of my whole week.
So that's that folks. I'll keep you posted on my life as an auto-sufficient, economically sustainable, young lady of America. But before there are a few things I want to point out. First, I'm so glad I have my husband back home. I love R.B. to dead. I'll help you Blair in whatever you need. Second, Soda you're still petite. Katie, please post or I'll make blonde jokes. Also, Dallas I told you, Pony likes the closet ;). Which reminds me... PONYBOY MICHELLE CURTIS FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, MY NAME DOESN'T HAVE A FUCKING HYPHEN!!! It's KitKat, not Kit-Kat! Geez... Okay, I think that's all. :D

Kitty Cutris. Working. At Dairy Queen. I think Hell has frozen over. ;P
HAHA! I Laughed So Hard At That Last Part. I Like Spelling Ur Name Kit-Kat. That Way You Know It's Me. Plus Thats How The Chocolate Bar Spells It.
Okay, you working I think I can handle. But you AND Twobit working, thats just madness! And Im sooo going to get free ice cream
half-wit? lmao!
and kit ik u ment no free ice cream for DALLAS....but the rest of in specific is a different story right :P
Hahahaha oh Half-Wit... what a suitable name!
i dont like icecream that much jeez
that whole part you explained makin ice cream.... i felt like a dip shit, you lost me.
p.s.- im married, i dont have to keep it in my pant :p
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