So... what does that mean? September 6th. Oh joy, it's the first day of school! It's time go back to the slutty suck-up bitches and stupid jerks, oh and the teachers, the stupid whory assholes teachers that just love greasers oh so much. -.- But school stops being dull when Dawn Cade and Kit Curtis walk it's halls. Or as we are already known: KC/DC.
Sunday night was party night. Surprised? I really hope not. It was our annual 'End-Of-Summer-Let's-Go-Back-To-Being-Bitches' Party. :D We stayed up all night. And I mean ALL night. Dawn called Jay Jay telling him she was staying over at my place and I did the same to Darry telling him I was over at Dawn's. We just went home to change and no one noticed we where cleary in the 'dangerous mode'. We drove to school at recklessly stupid high velocities and I think we almost, almost, hit the flag pole. It was epic. We're the leaders now, we don't do 'walking'. I half parked/half occupied three spaces and got out of the truck coolly. I think I'm gonna ask Tim or Bucky to lend me one of their motorcycles. I bet they're way cooler but I don't know how to ride those but I'm sure as hell don't want to freaking kill myself trying. We wore royal blue leather jackets, skinny jeans, black boots, white blouses, and the one and only, motorcycle shades. Oh yeah. Ladies, start your engines. As soon as we stepped inside the building you know there was trouble. Dawn snapped her fingers at every little kid we encountered in the hall, repeating endlessly: "Seniors coming through." I loved that. Every freshman was like completely frightened and moved so quickly it was funny to see them fear us. It was our year and we where unstoppable. Of course, no one can ever top the masters, BM/CR are to be forever bowed at but we shoot for the stars.
Someone should really tell administration that placing Dawn and me in the same classes all day is not a good thing... well, for the teachers anyway. Double trouble. The moment the bell rang, Dawn and I where ready, but not necessarily for school work. With the help of the all mighty school janitor, I climbed up into the ventilation and made my way through the sticky, small, with lack of oxygen, tubes. Dawn had the easy task. She waited patiently for a group of bitchy socs girls to go to their usual 'hair and make-up' session during first period. Once they where inside the bathroom, she locked the door... from the outside. ;) Of course she kept bugging me over our little mission impossible earplug/walkie talkies about hurrying up. Dawn, next time you got up the freaking ceiling. Anyway, when I found the power cords I felt like a secret agent deactivating a bomb. I had to cut the right wire, otherwise... yeah something not pretty would happen. So I took out my blade and cut the red one. The moment it snapped shut, you could hear the loud screams of girls coming from the bathroom. Hehehe. Then, I made my way back to meet Dawn at the ventilation to pour down something like a greenish slime. Eww. I wouldn't want that on my hair either.
During second and third period, we sneaked into the boy's locker rooms. God bless me, it smelled disgustingly disgusting in there. Socs perfume and sweat... Ugh. One of the small disadvantages of this job. But anyway, we got there when no one was in and we messed with the shower heads. Freezing, cold, cool, warm, hot, FIRE! Lol. And there was no way to fix it. I would've loved to see the look on their face. Well, we kind of did, cause somehow Dawn was able to place a hidden camera on the shower and had a guy that works in the movie room record it and edit it. It'll go to America's Funniest Home Videos. Our next target was the... drum roll please... teacher's lounge. :O Yep. It was actually pretty easy to get something done. We switched the coffee with something, um, brownish and messed the alphabetical order of a highly important organized files. Whoops. That alone would've been pathetic so, Dawn and I got a hold of the online calendar and plan. Let's just say we have a daily 'beer blast and teachers can go fuck themselves' for the next 300 days before summer. I'm so nice. I know. Dawn and I got some wheelchairs from the nurse's office and we raced each other through the halls like lunatics. That was, until we stummbled upon Ms. FrishaCanLickMyAss and ran away. We had a 'Greaser-only' beer blast in the basement. It was epic because Two-Bit helped by bringing some cases and Buck had set the music and even more beer earlier that day. I love my friends. :D It was getting hot and awesome but yeah, that only lasted for a couple of hours. The principal caught us. Oh my, what are we to do? The principal is gonna ground us. How am I to live with that?
He called Darry and well, just Darry cause Dawn had no parental or shit contacts on her file. Luckyass. Darrel arrived fifteen minutes later kinda pissed off. Oh my, what has the world come to? "Miss Curtis and Miss Cade here have trashed the bathroom, messed with the boy's locker room's shower head, run through the hallways and promoto underage alcoholic parties in the basement!" The dude said. "It was actually a wheelchair race." I added ignoring glares from both males. "And the coffee in the teacher's lounge." Dawn wanted to add something too. She didn't have to add that part. -.- We did all that because, well, we weren't exaclty sober since the begging but, oh well. So now, I'm not only 'grounded' for the rest of my existance, I also have to come to school to some shit or whatever it is we spend half an hour discussing. As if. That really really touch me. Because of this punishment, I will never behave like a juvenile delinquent ever again. It made me realize there is so much more to life. I'll be a better citizen! Okay... I'm gonna stop being sarcastic now. Oh well, at least I had fun. Which is far more than I can say for the old Darry.

P.S: Just wanted to add a little something... Soda, you're petite. Deal with it. +D
XD i miss school...
nah :p
oh and thank for clearing that last part up -_- this is why i have to miss out on all the streaking
It's never boring with you two hooligans roaming the halls.
Pretty badass. I dig itttt.
Hahah good job
im not going to college i probably wont cuz with me being preggo school little pesky sisters and a boyfriend and a doggy i dont think soo
yes jamie i would have been pissed...but it wasnt in my im ok(:
good job kit and dawn lol:P
You are the masters! Aaaah high school. So many memories.
shit were takin over my man. last year in that hell hole. and were goin out with a bang whats our next dastardly deed ;)?
I am commenting again because I am awesome like that! My code thingy is sucte.
Hahahahaha...You make me laugh sis. Good Job and Darry is just a party pooper.
Comment numero once! Gooooo Spanish!!
Trece!! Haha my code is woomismo :P
That's not what I meant.
Party pooper. -.-
I'll save myself the embarrassment and not tell you what I did in high school ;)
Ooh! Do share.
I would love to know what you did :P
I want to go back to highschool, just to be there with you guys xD
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