Anyway, I knew that the moment the effect of the alcohol would pass and I would be dragged back to sanity, I'd have the worst hangover EVER. It was a school night and I knew for certain that dear Darrel would completly refuse to let me stay home because I decided to party the night before and I really didn't want to deal with such nightmare at school. So stayed drunk. Which wasn't easy, since I was fighting the stupid need to fall into unconciousness and we run out of beer by six in the morning. I had to go buy more. And then it was time for school. With the help of some mighty unseen powerful force, I somehow managed to get dressed...properly. I don't think I looked too pretty with my hair completely messed up, even though Sodapop tried to combed it. By the way, brother, you suck at fixing a girl's hair. I think Katie had to do it or I don't know. They also had to drive me there because I was stupid enough to insist on doing it myself and they didn't want me to commit a stupid attempt at killing myself. Yeah. Yeah. Pony was late, as usual, and kept nagging me about how he had a major test that he couldn't and didn't want to fail and that he wasn't going to wait around for me to get my ass up and running. He was really looking for me to shut his trap. -.- I already have problems of my own, I really didn't care about his.
I half-walked, half-dragged myself into the building when someone called my name and it took a smack on my back for me to realize they where calling me. "What the hell is with you?" Dear Dawn asked. I just turned to look at her, not really knowing who she was or where I was for that matter. The moment she gave me a good look, she knew. "Kit, on a school night?" I frowned with slight indignance. "Look who's talking, Cade. If anything you're the one who would drop out of school and do it every day, twice a day." Someone should really just put some duct tape on my mouth. I wasn't aware of what I was saying and I apologize... Because I now know I said stupid shit. Dawn just rolled her eyes, knowing I didn't really mean half of what I had said. Might or might not be true, that wasn't the point. She grabbed my wrist and I almost fell as she dragged me rather quickly through the halways and into homeroom. Truth be told, I have no hell of an idea what happened for the first three periods. I spend them sleeping, then was kicked out of the class and slept on the floor of the hallway. Security ain't that good because I was able to sneak in three beers without anyone noticing. Suckers! But it was fourth period that really got me up and running. Stupid Math. I had meant to sleep in that class too but Mrs. Apeface didn't let me. She yelled at me to answer her stupid problem and I said I didn't know. That went on for at least ten times. On the eleventh I got mad, so mad that not even Dawn could make me shut up. I yelled back saying that I didn't fucking care what the goddammed solution to the problem was and that math was for pussies and faggots who didn't have a social life. Well, that was the nice version. The real version is censored. Hehe... Mrs. Apeface got sooooo incredibly mad. She yelled at me to go to the principal's office. I refused. So she grabbed me by my ear, for all of you who don't know, Mrs. Apeface is rather small. She had to stand in her toes to reach me and I didn't make it easy. But she managed to grabbed me rather hard and take me to see Mr. Faggot. I think I tripped and made her tripped. When I refused to stand up, Mr. Faggot came in and between the two janitors, they had to lift me up and take me to his office. He sat me down on a comfy chair and asked me what I had done. I was meaning to tell him what Mrs. Apeface did but I think I just babbled stupid trouble-alluring shit. Fuck... He got pissed off and reached for the phone. I thought he was going to call Darry or Soda or maybe even Katie. But he instead called Ponyboy or at least called his teacher to send him up. I kept babbling stupid shit and I know wish my vocal cords can be removed. Pony was surprised when he entered the office but it dissappeared when he saw me. I don't know if that should flatter me or piss me off.
I greeted my little brother rather stupidly as Mr. Faggot asked him to sit down. I didn't really listen. Well, I couldn't stay focus long enough for me to listen but from what I did heard was that Mr. Faggot was reconsidering if Ponyboy was the best candidate to still be vice-president, or that shit he is, because he had me as an potencial bad influence. I reply saying that this was my meeting and not Peeboy's but no one listened to me. -.- The Mr. Faggot added that he would suspend Pony from his title until things at home where stable. Or at least that's what I think he said. I was about to give the principal a piece of my middle finger but Pone stopped me. He hold my hand so hard that it hurt. He was so angry. Shit. I was almost certain he was about to yell at me but I didn't wait around for him because next thing I knew, I dropped unconcious.
What I have to say for myself is that I'm really sorry, Ponyboy. I didn't mean to ruin your potencially good academic life and activities. I'M JUST SO REALLY SORRY! I know I deserve a punishment and all that shit but please, just forgive me. D": I PROMISE I WILL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU! D":

ok no more parties with Dal for you :p
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... No.
Well that sucks. You'll get it back Pony, don't worry(:
Ahaha soda
oh I'll post Soon
:/ poor piony and im not blamin ya kit :P but sleeping in that go burn my face now :P ahah
Kittay Katty, you are partying with the wrong Winston. :D My verification code is reminds me of an STD name :P
i hate how ur blogs in spanish -_- i cant understand a damn word it says
oh kitten, don't you ever learn from your mistakes?
no no im the right winston ;)
Sodapop if you tell me how then I'll change it.
And what mistakes, Dimitrian?????!!!!
Yea, thanks for sending Dal home like that -.- I thought you were the responsible one haha
hahahha u got told
Hahaha Blair, good one. All this time I thought you guys knew I was irresponsable.
Hanging with Dallas, that's your mistake!!
i want to give kitty the talk like she's givin me 98267287347620 times b4 :)
Um, Jamie, I've given you a million different talks. Be specific.
It Took Me Forever To Comment -.- The Word Thingy I Needed To Type Wouldn't Come Up. And Kitty Im Beyond Angry. (I Sound Like Such A Nerd Saying That XD)
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