Zehn) His happy-go-lucky attitude can brighten anyone's day. Even on your worst, you're always best with him.
Nein) He has this perfectly balance level of sweetness and toughness.
Acht) He is so smart! Even if he doesn't think so. He just doesn't need books or problems to prove it. He has his own special way of thinking that makes total sense.
Sieben) Loyalty runs through his veins. He's always there when you need him and will do anything to help you.
Sechts) He's drop dead gorgeous... That sounded soooo weird coming from me but it's true! He embraces the well-known family looks.
Fünf) I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mess with him. He's a hell of a good fighter.
Vier) He understands everything and everybody. He doesn't judge you and somehow, always knows what to say to make you feel better.
Drei) He so nice to people and humble and a hopeless romantic. No wonder every girl in town wanted him.
Zwei) He's the BEST cook in the whole wide world and his cooking is always random. You never get bored around him.
Eins) He somehow managed to get me to suck up my pride and write this about him. It takes awesomeness to do that.
So here you go Soda. See? I can do nice things without expecting anything in return. I also think I should post one about Carson. Ok, Car, here comes YOUR one and only, special post from Kitty!
Has a lesbian sister named Stevianne Randle.
Is the awesome Randle sibling.
Is rated by the FBI's as America's Most Wanted.
Has the biggest penis you have ever seen.
May or may not be a female. Her identity is kept as secret.
For some unreasonable reason, is best friends with The Blairinator.
Is a part-time pirate and full-time ninja.
Carson Randle has the World Record for most creative swear words produced in the count of five minutes.
Was born on the month of February, or so she says.
Doesn't have to put up with the shit of being in a relationship. She makes 'independent women' look in shame.
Hangs out kindergarden gold stars when people do good things.
Has Kitty Curtis wondering why she entitled her post as 'Chandler Bing'.
Doesn't like when people use wink smiles. E.G. ;)
Major badass.
Has achieved perfect Nirvana, scratch that, Awesomeness.
And that's is pretty much all the confidential file of Carson Maybell Randle had to share.

Stevianne!!! That made my day. I think that I should have a special post Kittay Katty =]
haha I love how you counted off in German
I was hoping someone would notice Luke.
ye cuz i wasnt about to notice xD
i was confused as shit. :P and i loved the stevianne part xD
Ha I assumed it was french..
I just realize I wrote no instead of nine. Fail.
I was torn between German and Spanish for the numbering :p and I named it Chandler Bing because apparently your political views are chandler's sarcasum.
Also. About my identity, it is unknown what I am because I'm a ninja. I can't have all you people knowing all about me D:<
haha Kitty I love you :p esspecialy the Stevianne. Part :p
I think you should have given me carson's #4 =D
I cannot tell lie Soda.
i get the feeling that carson never watched dora or diego. NO WAY THAT ITS SPANISH. for the record i thought it was dutch though.
that was nice kitty
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