So, last Friday I decided to take into action my plan. Steve and Soda had asked for the day off because they were going to a rodeo all day. There was a special event or something. The point is, they weren't coming home till late. So I told the girls about my plan, including Katie because otherwise it wouldn't look good on Sodapop and will probably end up in something bad and I didn't want to cause any pain to Katie. Sodapop could suck it. Anyway, the plan was, I was gonna get dressed like Sodapop and pretend to be him. I put on a pair of his old jeans. I always borrow his, since Pony's are way too short and Darry's are too damn big. Soda is more or less my height, maybe a little bit small but he'll grow someday....hopefully. I had to cover my breasts with bubblewrap so it would be flat and not raise suspicion. It was actually pretty funny. And then I put on a DX shirt. The next step was my hair and feminine features. We went to a beauty saloon but the girl that greeted us was really rude to us. That was until I told her why I needed her help. After she heard that I was trying to get back at my big brother, she smiled and agreed. She said she had older siblings too and what she would give to have gotten back at them only once. I thank God for making me charismatic.
She took us to the back and helped me become a man. She greased a wig and hid all my long hair in it. She placed on some sidebuns and put make-up on my face. When she was done, I looked almost exactly like Sodapop. It was freaky how much we looked alike, considering we are not twins or anything. She asked me if I could take a picture with her because I looked like a hot guy. I laughed and agreed and also promised I would come and tell her how it went. It's amazing the miracles make-up can do.
So after that, Blair and Carson walked with me to the DX. I told the manager I had come back to work and that I was feeling fine now. He believed me. Sucker. So anyway, just as usual, being Soda there, a bunch of girls came over and started flirting with me. I would have liked it of course if they had been boys but it was part of the plan so I just went along with it. A bunch of girls gave me their numbers and with several others, I agreed to go on dates that day. I got off work very early and went home to change. Since Pony was there, I sneaked through Soda and his window and got a clean shirt. I stared at myself for a moment. I could easily pass as a guy.
Long story short. With some girls I flirt, with others I kissed (has awkward and ew written all over it), with some I cuddle, etc. The more, the best for me and the worst for Soda. That night, I got home really late and had to change at Dawn's so none of the guys will know. The next day I followed Soda to work and when he got there, there was a bunch of girls waiting for him, bunch of angry girls that felt cheated. Poor Soda was chased all over town and Blair, Carson, Jelly, Dawn and I were laughing our heads off. We followed them and Soda ran into the house scared out of his mind. Inside, Katie was talking with some other girls and poor Soda got slap in the face several times. ROTFLMFAO!
The lesson learned today Soda is: Don't play games with a girl that can play better.

Kitty. That was hilarious. If I ever need to get back at someone I'm coming to you for help xD
LMFAO! KIT I LOVE YOU! THATS HILARIOUS!!!! and same as bri! if i evr need help with revenge im comin to you! XD
hahah kit. this is why i love you. you never fail to suprise me, but you really kissed random chicks? random SLUTS? i mean, ewww cooties
U kissed girls? EWW
Its sad that If i wanted to get back at twobit i cant come to you like Bri and Brook.
.........oh well :D
Just because I'm dating Two-Bit doesn't meant I can't prank him. If any, it's an even greater reason to do so.
And yeah yeah, I think the whole point of kissing girls is understood.
And I kissed a girl and I liked it! It felt so wrong. It felt so right. Hope my boyfriend doesn't mind :D
Enlight me and tell me how it was a favour?
Haha I didn't know ur voice was deep as a guys kit. Or is soda just high? Haha
LMAO! Good job Kit haha :D
that was a good day. haha good job Kitty. you make Soda more attractive. xD.
Have I ever told you I love you Kittay Katty? Because right now, I feel the urge to say... I LOVE YOU KITKAT SARAH CURTIS AND YOU ARE FOREVER AWESOME AND THE BEST AT GETTING BACK AT SOMEONE!!!!!!!!
i agree w/ both bri and brook and definatley with jells that was the best prank ever and i mean that
Haha! Kitty. I've Said This Before And I'll Say It Again, Dont Mess With Kit-Kat Curtis!
Aw snap kit. You got him good. Muffins....
you made a hotter soda then soda xD
Why thank you Blair. Maybe I should go on a date with you and make all of the other girls jealous. :P
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