So I woke up early, really really early (by the way you owe me big time Jelly), and started to pack some things. Make-up, jewelry, pretty clothes, and all that girl stuff. Dawn got to my house before I was even ready. "Girl, seriously, what's with you waking up at six?" I asked. I mean anyone in their ride mind doesn't wake up at six in the fucking morning on a Saturday! But I guess Dawn isn't in her right mind. I wouldn't doubt it one second. So when I was finally able to walk without falling asleep we went over to Jelly's house. Her dad wasn't there and I pretty much have my own set of keys. We walked inside the house very quietly and once in Jelly's room we burst into corny songs duet and woke her up. "What the...?" She started. "We're kidnapping you Jell-O. So get your ass up and go take a shower because we gotta get ourselves even more pretty than usual." I said in an over cheerful voice. Jelly groaned and placed her pillow over her face. "It's seven in the morning! You guys are crazy!" She said. I turned to look at Dawn who gave me a partner in crime look. "You thinking what I'm thinkin?" "Yes Brain, let's conquer the world!" I laughed. Oh Dawn. "No Pinky. The other thing we do every night." "Oh, that thing. Let's do it." She said and winked.
After a few minutes we came back with a bucket of water and spilled it all over Jelly. She screamed. "What the fuck guys! Shit!" We couldn't help but laugh our heads off. "Rise and shine." We said in chorus. Jelly made a face but she went to take a shower. I turned to look at the wet bed. Shit I hadn't thought about that. "Hey Jelly-" But she caught me off. "No way Kittay. You guys got it wet, you guys dry it." I pulled off the sheets and gave them to Dawn. "Go dry them." She raised her eyebrow. "Yeah right." "Dry them or I'll beat you with my wooden spoon." I said. Dawn moved her head in dissaproval. "You're such a mean person." I chuckled. "Oh I know." I set everything up for when Jelly was ready and such. Dawn came back and we placed all the clothes in the bed. She looked confused when she came out. "What are these for?" She asked. "To wear, duh." Dawn replied. We started to mix and match all of our clothes. In the end we all looked really sexy in our outfits, it was kind of hard to believe they were our usual greaser clothes. I bow down to Dawn's fashion skills. Next came make-up. We had a really fun time. We started by playing with the stuff and I think we looked like clowns in the end but after all fun and games we got serious. We all looked really pretty, except Jelly kept on looking at herself in the mirror trying to spot faults. "Kitty, I-" I sighed. "Not one word Jelly." I placed my arms around her shoulders and made her look straight at her. "You're a really beautiful girl. Don't let anyone try to steal your fun. Look, you're a girl filled with light, if others don't like it, they can always wear sunglasses." I took a deep breath. "You are Jell-O Winston! I mean duh, you're one of the hottest girls in the universe. Tons of guys, will make lines for you. And you know I don't tell lie or compliment people just for the hell of it."
I'm not sure if my message was transmitted but I really hope it did. I am going to Seattle and killing the fucking poptart that started it. Grrrrr. So there we went. The Power Puff Girls to save the day! We went to party because what else do three teenage girls do on a Saturday afternoon? And besides, it's the only thing we are really really really good at. If you know what I mean. And then... Well I think I should let Jelly finish the story because after all, it was her night. Yeah, I'm this bad. Muahahaha.

thats good
Kitty. You truely are a very wonderful person. As is Dawn. And Jelly. You're all beautiful and legit. I love you guys xD
ps. Im coming with you to Seattle
tehe, dubs u SO didnt read the fucking post you doe-doe XD. and i feel really accomplished kitto, we truly are good people :D...well sometimes, wen were up to it :3. We looked realy foxy in our outfits and such :3. i hope we helped our little jelybean XD!
Thanks guys, besides that frickin water and the fact that it was 7 in the morning, it was really awesome! Kittay, you should write about the rest, you do it so much better :D
haha Kit you never fail to suprise me. You and DC should have your own show, like punked only better.
Kit said to comment but u all took my words.
1) Dallas u didnt read the post. It was more than a paragraph.
2) Im reall happy for you jelly.....and dawn and kit
No Pinky. The other thing we do every night." "Oh, that thing. Let's do it." She said and winked.
HA HA this made me laugh...if u get what i mean?
I think I get it Sodapop......maybe?
wtf sofa. fail :3.
the curtis' are very sexual xD
KitKat, you should post.
Oh Soda that really is all you think about isn't it?
Okies CarCar but later alligator.
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