Well, no real destination until it occurred to me what we could do. So many of you don't know this but I am a drag racer and has been ever since I was fourteen and my dad taught me how to drive. It was our secret. Between him and me. We did it behind everyone's backs and he would encourage me every time there was a race. This is why when Soda officially taught me, after dad passed away, I was so good. So anyway. I decided it was time for Dawn to know and maybe the rest of you. I am starting to let go of secrets because they are slowly tearing my heart and that's not healthy. She didn't seem to notice but until we left Tulsa and drive to the country side. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Everywhere and no where". I said trying to avoid a direct answer. When we got to the place where all the races took place, Dawn looked at me with surprise. "You? A drag racer? You keep surprising me more." She said. I parked the car without answering and went to look for Tim and Buck who are part of my team. Here socs and greasers are equal. No one fights. No one dares fight. Because the dude (that's over sixty years old) that organizes this shit will kick them out and never allow them back again. This old guy has been doing this since he was in high school! My dad was actually a racer of his. It is a warm feeling. Makes me feel more close to dad here.
"Hey Kittykins!" Tim said when he saw me. He spotted Dawn and eyed me coolly. "You finally let if off your chest." He said. I winked and walked over to Buck. "So, who is racing today?" I asked. It was cute, the way Dawn just stood there not really knowing what to do. Buck took out a piece of paper and eyed it quickly. "Well it's you against..." He smiled crookedly. He turned to look at me. "You're going to love this. You race against Mr. Super Soc." He said. Standing across from us was no one else but Bob. He was standing next to a yellow mustang that appeared to be his. How many cars does the freaking boy have???? My smile slowly fade. "Don't start shit Kittykins." Tim said. "Or our best racer will be lost forever." I smiled at him. "Oh but I plan to do something better. I'm going to win him at his own game. Maybe trash his car a bit or so." I said. Tim and Buck highed four me and I went to get the mustang ready. Dawn followed me like a little puppy. "You can't possibly be serious. You're actually going to race against him?" She said with actual concern. Oh my. I smiled at her as I got inside the car and started it. "Yep and get in, I don't want you to miss this." Hesitating, Dawn got in the back seat and I drove to the start line. Tim and Buck where cheering from the side, as well as other greasers. I eyed Bob coolly. Fire burned my eyes and rage took over.
Ready. Set. Go. I hit the gas as strong as I could and the car reacted violently pulling itself forward. Dawn held herself to whatever she could so she wouldn't get hit by anything. The speed meter kept going up and up. "You need to change gears." Dawn said. "I know." "Then slow down." She said. I smiled confidently. I don't do slow down to change gears. I actually accelerate to do so. "What the fuck???" Dawn said. "Dawn shut up. You're distracting me." Poor girl was pale. I rolled my eyes. I remembered my first time. Bob was in front of me. I hit the gas more powerfully, pulling to the side and hitting his blind point. We bumped each other constantly, until I manage with the same bumping to leave him behind. I moved from side to side, blocking any possible way for him to pass me. The curve was getting closer. Dawn gulped and I speed even more. Bob was getting near. I acted quickly. He was coming from my right side, and before taking the curve, I slowed down almost to a stop, causing the car to bump into Bob's pushing his into a tree. I smiled and hit the gas violently. The car went faster and faster. Finish line was seconds away. One, two, three. There went Bob's victory.
I stopped the car and got cheerings from the greasers. When I turned to look at Dawn, she was freaking pale and gasping for her life. "Don't. You. Ever! Do. That. Again!" She said between gasps. I smiled innocently and laughed. Poor Dawn. The rest of the evening we partied with the rest of the greasers, celebrating our victory (and kicking Bob's fat ass). I'm going to bring each of you here and force you into the back seat. Oh yeah! It would be so much fun!

OH kit. IM SOOOO taking u on a roadtrip, and ur driving LOL
and im glad u beat bob.......poor dwn :P
god! you should have been with us wen we went to get pony from dallas texas.....it was SOOOO much fun!!!! lol
I always knew cause one day after you and dad went out for "ice cream" (that's what u guys always said) I followed you on my horse Snickers. And saw you guys drag racing.
Haha! Great Job Kitty! Brookie Dont Go Cutting Yourself On Me. And How Come I Never Get To Go Drag Racing With Ya Kitty? Haha
I love Dawn. And hell, Kitty I knew you drag raced all along. Didnt I have to fix your car one time after that? Ha. Oh, and my verification code is so broccoli. -.-
well if your the one doing the forcing kitten, i might just go willingly ;)
damn kitters. i used to think u were a law biding citizen!!! wat happend D:!? lol. nah but that was hella crazy :D. wat other super cool secrets are ya hidin form me kit? are u a wizard?!
Sure, of course you all knew. -.-
I'll take you with me Pone next time.
Dimitri, damn boy, you want more.
And Dawn, why yes, I was just kicked out of Hogwarts because Snape thought I was too awesome. And I was a treat to the Dark Lord being I was too dark myself. :D
ooooohhhhhh! i c! so ur one of those wizards who use the dark arts wen ur not supposed to :3. thats pretty bad ass. im a wizard to. me and harry are like. neck and neck. lol XD.
Duh. And I don't see them as the 'Dark Arts', I see them more as a lifestyle choice ;).
Lol Dawn. You should bring your british friend over for tea and we go party like only dark wizards know how.
Caution: The company is not responsible for bruises, twisted necks, dizzyness, unconciousness, intoxication, and even dead.
did u like my surprise and now im 18 cuz yesterday waz my birthday
kitty i kno u gonna hate me but check my newest post
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