I really haven't hang out with anyone lately. I been trying to raise my grades up for one thing. Colleage. But the thing is, I don't even know where to apply to or if I even want to apply. I got no hell of an idea where to go, what to do with my life. A part of me knows I want to get somewhere in life, but another just wants to stay where it is. I envy people who since always they have known what to do with their life. The other day I was helping Jamie for university options and I realized I haven't done half the things she has and she is constantly telling me that with my smarts I could get anywhere I wanted to. She's pushing me but somehow I'm pushing it back because colleage means growing up. It's not high school anymore. It's a whole new ball game. A whole new path.
I'm stubborn towards change. Always known that. I want things to be the way they were. I knew I had to talk to someone about this. I realized I'm such a hypochrite because I give people advice on how to deal with their problems but I never take that advice into my own life. I realized for the first time I needed my mom. I needed someone who could solve my problems and tell me what to do. But mom wasn't here and I knew that and I accepted it. So I went to the only person I knew that would give me the piece of advice I needed. I went to Buck. No you didn't read wrong and no I'm not out of my mind. Maybe I am but I always knew that. You see, despite whatever you might think of that guy, I hold a lot of respect towards him. I got to meet him without his shell of toughness that scares people off. He knows me at my best and at my worst. I feel kinda bad for not talking about this with Two-Bit but I don't know. I guess I'm a liar because I won't tell him everything. I know I'm stupid because sometimes I'm dead wrong. But that's the way it is and I needed someone who despite everything would tell me the things like they are and not hold any sympathy for me and I know you guys would.
So I went to Buck and I told him EVERYTHING. I didn't shead a tear because I don't do crying, even when I really want to. I didn't shead a tear because I'm not supposed to feel scared but I am and I'm trying to hide it. He told me, and I will remember his words forever. It was a long chat. He was somehow cold with the way he talked and I wanted it to be that way. Half of it I didn't really want to understand or accept. "You just gotta get there and be yourself. Things then will fall into place." I guess he's right somehow. After thanking him for taking his time to talk to an undecisive outsider like me, I went back to the house and hang out with Katie. Gosh I really am a mess. I guess I could have tell her too but no. I planned to just let it slip and I don't know, just live I guess. I'm not really sure what I'm getting to with this. Take it as feelings from a seventeen year-old outsider.

Oh kit.............i dont know what to do sometimes either, but thats when blair slaps me on the back of the head and i think i need to keep pushing forward make u guyz proud and do us greasers justice.
And kit, Buck's right.....do what you gotta do and things will fall into place
Kit, I'm always gonna be here for you. I'll tell you whats up, don't worry. And just because Blaze was born dosen't mean I'm going to grow up. If I grow up, that means Im old. I don't want to be old. Hell Car told me I could pass for 25 and I punched her. I mean really?!
Buck Said Some Pretty Smart Stuff There. Do Your Best Kitty, And You'll Do Fine In Life.
Pony, your comment made me feel depressed. "You'll do fine in life." Yeah....
You r gonna aply to a college and I no u don't wanna grow up no one does. I had to grow up because I had to take care if u guys. Things aren't changing as fast as u think
sigh...kit i kno what u mean. trust me i do. growing up or thinking about growing up makes my stomach turn. because it seems no fun..and i used to feel like wemn i grow up i hav to b a completley diffrent person. well thats not tru. u could still do the same things, hang out with the same people,be a hyper wierdo XD. ull just have more responsabilities than u did. and sometimes thats a good thing. u dont change just because u grow up. in every adult, thiers a child :). and some people choose to hide that. but u dont have to :). im sure as hell i wont. and dont worry about it. weve got a number of years before its even legil for us to drink XD. we will cross the bridge of growing up together, wen we come to it <3 :).
Dawn pretty much stole everything I wanted to say :( Yeah, we may be growing up and things may be changing, but we still have eachother. I think as long as we all have eachother everything will be fine. :)
Aw guys shanks so much. You're the best. <3
Kit. Ima try commenting again because last time I tried doing so I failed because my computers an old bastered.
ta da!
I've done it!
ok now.
Kit, your posts are seeming a little on the sad side lately. and you are the wonderfuly egosentric bitch that we love.
get happy D:<
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