So we both started working at Dim's restaurant. It's great, but we have such a jackass boss... Just kidding, Dimwit. Or, aren't I? The highlight of my day, though, is having to see Jelly every day. We're not really on speaking terms. Not since things got violent and there was blood. She doesn't understand. No one understands. It's not about insecurities or fucking lack of self-esteem. It goes beyond that. Sure, it's a self-destructive tendency, but that's not why I do it.
I've been such a bitch to her but I really don't want to forgive her. I mean, you can't just come into someone's room and plan this whole charade about how she wants me to get better and give me an ultimatum after I just got another one from Mr. Darrel Curtis and expect everything to be shiny rainbows and ponies. I don't get mad... I get even.
"Hello, darling." I said as I wrapped my arms around Two-Bit's neck. "Guess what day is today?" He kissed me softly. "Uh, Friday?" I chuckled as I kissed him back. "Nope, it's date day! Happy '712th Days Since We've Been Together' Day!" He laughed and picked me up, kissing me. "I love you." He said. "I know, but you'll love me even more after the day I got planned." We walked out of the restaurant, his arm around my shoulders, when I saw Jelly and Dim standing over the door. At first I thought about ignoring her, but then I had a better idea. As we walked by, I leaned closer to her and whispered. "So, how's the wedding." And just to add up to it, as I walked by Dim, I traced my fingers through his chest and gave him that sort of flirty eye wink. Then we headed out.
I drove. Since Two-Bit had no idea where we were going. For the most, we heard all this sort of CDs. That was until we heard a low whimper coming from the back seat. "Oh, look, she's up!" I said. Two-Bit turned around and laying the back seat was the furry puppy. He leaned towards it and picked it up, noticing some bags I had placed there. "I'm guessing this Friday is gonna extend into a weekend?" He said. I smiled. "Oh, by the way, I picked a name for our puppy." I said. "What about Lexi?" "Lexi it is."
After six or seven hours, we got down to a beach in the Golf of Mexico. I had arranged for a cabin, which I payed for with a two weeks salary in advance. :D. We settled. It was already dark outside so we laid on the sand. Lexi was asleep in her bed and we gazed into the stars. There's just something about stars. The way they shine above you like a million little miracles. We could find all sorts of different shapes for them. God, there where so many. We felt asleep. We woke up to the sound of cries and whimpers. I got up to pick up Lexi but didn't find her in her bed. You know that moment when your mom starts to panic because she can't find you and fears the worst? Yep, that's what I felt. "Two-Bit!" I yelled. "Lexi's not here." He walked over to me. "What?" "Lexi. She's not in her bed." Then I looked over and the door had been opened and then there was the ocean and so many places she could've gotten in and hurt herself... I started looking everywhere. I felt like a mom for a moment, which I might add, did not bring any pleasure. Well, given the circumstances. After two hours, and Two-Bit's desperate attempts at trying to calm me, we finally heard soft barks coming form under the bed... Yeah, you can all figure out how the rest went.
For the most part we made out, and did all this sorts of games. We were two lovers with the world at their feet and no worries. For the first time in a while I felt completely free. It was just me and Two-Bit and a whole cabin to ourselves. I missed that. During the day, we would go out and splash water at each other and have this sand ball wars. We even tried to make sand angels and a sandman. We failed miserably at that. But when we really wanted to get intimate. We would cuddle together under the same blanket. Lexi would be on top of me and we would watch a series of our favorite movies. From Holiday to The Fast and The Furious. Then we would dance around, and Two-Bit, who picked up some dancing skills as to not make a fool during our wedding, never ceased to impress me. The weekend was at its end. We were laying on the sand, watching the stars like the first day. I really didn't want this to end. I didn't want to go back to Tulsa. Or better said, I didn't want to go back to all that. To where I felt trapped.
"We should stay here forever." I said laying my head against his stomach. "Let's see, the beach, a cabin, no noisy kids, I could get used to it." I chuckled. "No, I mean it." I turned to look at him. "Just you and me, we don't need to ever go back." I don't know if it was the words or the way I said it, but he suddenly stood up and got all serious. "Oh. Well, Kitty, we need to get back at some point." "Why?" "Because, our whole lives are there. Don't tell me you wouldn't miss your friends, your brothers. C'mon Kit." I sighed. "My point exactly." I whispered but he heard me. He leaned towards me. "What was that about?" I turned towards him. "What?" He frowned for a second. "That thing you did back at the restaurant. I mean, I wasn't going to say anything before, but it's eating at me." I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." He sighed. "Kit, don't play dumb with me. That thing you did where you brushed your fingers through Dim's chest. What was that all about?" I chuckled. I placed my hands at either side of his face and kissed him. "I love you, Two-Bit. You. Not Dimitri." Two-Bit looked at me for a second. "You're doing this to piss of Jelly." He said more to himself than to me. I frowned. "That's not true." But he ignored me. "You know, she was just trying to help you." I scoffed. The words that Jelly had said to me. The words that I had fought so hard to ignored came all rushing back. "How the hell do you think this behavior makes Two-Bit feel? Huh? Here we are, all trying our hardest to do everything we can for you, and he has to watch his wife struggle while she’s pushing away all the people who care for her. Him included. Is nothing ever enough for you?" I took a deep breath as I caressed my neck slowly. "That's what you don't understand. I didn't ask for her to help me, or any of you. I just- I." But I couldn't continue, for fear of what I was about to say.
Two-Bit got closer to me. He held my hand and brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "What are you running from, Kitty? Why are you so afraid?" You know that in all the time that this has been going on, no one's ever asked me that. "You know how when someone leaves you, you feel all empty inside? Like a part of you is missing..." I was trying so hard to breath as he looked at me with those gentle gray eyes. "I miss my mom, Two-Bit. I miss her more than anything. And I can't help but feel like I was her greatest disappointment. And I don't want to be a mom because I don't want to make that same mistake again." Tears were starting to fall down my cheeks but I tried so hard to keep them in. I whipped them off, almost to nonexistence, before standing up and walking away. But Two-Bit held my arm. He pulled me towards him and made me sit. "No Kitty, you need to feel. I know it hurts, so I need you to feel that hurt. Please. Because, that's the only way, you'll heal. That's the only way you'll be able to forgive her and yourself. It's the only way, you'll learn to love again." So he wrapped me in his arms and I cried. "Tell me about it." He whispered.
"I told her I hated her. I said that looking straight into her eyes. I'm the reason they're dead. Because I defied her, because I took all that was important to her. Because I played with her love, with her feelings. And I can never make it right. My brothers, they don't understand. They don't know what it was like to be me. To be the girl, the daughter." I took a deep breath. "And I don't know what to do."

Kit I know how you feel and I'm not just saying that I know from experience don't blame yourself and I'm jelous of the puppy
I dont know what to say. I know what it's like to be the disappointment too. But I don't know how to help myself either.
All I can think of is for you to just let Two-bit help you. Of anyone, he's going to be the best. Maybe no one will ever understand, but they can always help. And I'm always here if you need to vent. I can promise that.
Kit, trust me when I tell you I know all about mother issues. Hell I could write the book on complacated realtionships with them. I know I can't speak for her, and it wont make it alright, but I know for a fact that your mom loved you. You could tell just by seeing the way she looked at you, at all of you guys. When I was little I use to wish my mom would look at me like that. You never have to worry about her not caring, because even though she's gone, she has always and will always care for and love you <3
I'd watch what you say kitten...I can always dock your pay :p
You wouldn't dare Dimitrian, because 1) I'll beat you up and 2) Since I wouldn't make enough money, you would have to pay more rent.
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