I knocked on the house. It was Pony who answered. "Kitty, you came to visit!" He said, disturbingly excited. "Yeah, well, I plan on crashing for a while." His expression changed. And I hoped I wouldn't be right as to what he was about to say. "Sorry Kit," He gave me sad smile. "But Darry said you aren't welcome, at least for now." Hmm. As though my year couldn't get worst. I nodded in understanding. It wasn't his fault, and if I saw Darry, I would give him the silent treatment too. "Sorry." He said again, with an apologetic smile. I nodded. I sighed as he close the door. Someone had to take me in. I walked slowly to the next door. I let myself in. "Hey, anyone home?" I called. Katie came in, holding Skye. She was surprised to see me. "Hey." She said. Assuming Soda was at work, I asked. "Hey, I was wondering, do you mind if I crash for a while?" Katie nodded. "That bad?" "Yeap." "Well, at least you can help me with Skye." She said. "I have to go to work, but see you later?" I nodded as she handed me little Skye. She was beautiful. She had Katie's smile, but Soda's recklessly laughing brown eyes. Cutie.
I spent most of the day feeding, changing, hugging, and playing with Skye. In many ways, I envied her. As she lay asleep in my arms, I guess I would've never have thought I could take care of a creature like that. I stood watching her for hours. Until I placed her in her crib, so she would be more comfortable.
As I walked to the guest room, I noticed Soda and Katie's room was opened. I don't know what I was thinking, but I found myself going through Soda's old stuff. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I knew I hadn't found it yet. I kept searching, until I came across one of his drawers. It was hidden in the deepest part of the drawer, almost invisible. But it caught my eye. I took it out. It was addressed to Soda, from Jelly so I started reading it.
I smiled as I folded it. I had it.
The next day I woke up late, 'cause it was my no doing shit day. I took it to my advantage. I went to the apartment. No one was home, as expected. I walked into Jelly's room. There was some of Dim's stuff laying on the ground. Perfect. I tore the letter in half and threw it in the trashcan, making sure the envelope that said "Soda", was visible. I was surprised at how devilish this whole plan was. It was doom to be what I was looking for. What I was yearning for. The ultimate act of revenge. I wasn't going to forgive her.
I went back to Soda and Katie's to sleep some more. I woke up then to the sound of moving around. I opened my eyes and found Two-Bit setting up a table cloth in the floor at the foot of the bed. "Hey beautiful." He said when he saw me. "Happy Valentine's Day." Oh, shit. That was today? "I got you a gift." He was so excited, I felt terrible for forgetting. He took out a long silver box. "This is also a Happy Two Year Anniversary!" I opened the box and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Black Tulips are my favorites, because they are extremely rare and mysterious. "Oh my, where did you find this?" I asked. He winked. "I have my secrets. Plus, Dimitri helped." I smiled as I walked up to him and hugged him. Never mind the table cloth, we cuddled on the bed. We told jokes and scary stories and talked. But I couldn't shake this feeling of extreme guilt for forgetting.
"Two-Bit, I have a confession." He looked confused. "I forgot it was Valentine's Day, just like I forgot that in two days it's our Two Years Dating Anniversary. I'm so sorry." Sorry for being busy plotting against one of my best friends to remember our special days. Mental bitch slap.
"That's okay," He said softly. He started kissing my stomach. "But I do believe you can make it up to me." He winked and started kissing me and I started kissing back. "We're in my older brother's house." I said unbuttoning his pants. "So?" He said taking off my shirt. "He's probably in the next room doing the same." ;)
Well, at least some of us had a happy Valentines' Day.

I want to know what juicy and disgusting things that note said. And I feel bad for taking any interest in your fights with Jelly :(
I like sex.
Well I'm just going to pretend I only read the second part and say awww! How romantic!
this is why you shouldn't go through other peoples things -.-
You go through my things too, so don't complain.
I like Carson's comment and thus I second it. :3
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