You would think that it would be me the one to be freaked out about it. At some point I was but then I just stopped thinking about it. There was something more important. When Two-Bit finally convinced me we gathered everyone for the news. "Hey guys, thanks for coming." I said. "We have a confession to make." Add words like confession and make and you got yourselves all eyes on you. "You won't be uncles or aunts or godparents. At least not for now." And then the tackling of questions like 'why?', 'how?', 'what?' and my personal favorite 'yay!' from Bre. "Ok so here's the truth, when we were on our honeymoon, Two-Bit and I thought it would be hilarious to prank y'all so we decided to convinced you I was pregnant. It was hilarious at first, because we got to see all your 'WTF' faces and all. It kept being funny up until it became real. I mean, the way you girls were all like 'oh! have you picked out names?' or 'yay Shiloh will have a cousin', well, it all felt nice. So we actually tried to do it. And when we couldn't we went to a doctor, who told us we can't have any kids. Well, I can't have any kids." The room went silent, which wasn't the reaction I had hoped. "Okay, I thought you were all gonna be happy. No teenage pregnancy." We waited patiently for everyone to take it all in, until Jelly asked the question I really hoped no one had the guts to ask.
"Why?" Why? Because that's the way I am. Because I've dragged this on myself. Because the slight chance I had was washed down the toilet, literally. "Just the way things are." So no freaky giving birth video. When no one said anything, Two-Bit and I just snuck away into our bedroom and locked the door. We had to have a good night sleep for our big trip to Europe ;).

Wow... I was kinda hoping you would have a kid, but I'm glad you finally let everyone know...
Have you thought about adoption? Maybe later on? Just a thought..
haha thats code for.."if chase knocks up Dawn, do you want the kid?" XD
he showed you the video???? That prick!
I'm sorry Kit. And a video ewww glad my parents didn't take one. Have fun in Europe make sure you get me one of those Buckingham palace guards lol
Normally I would be pissed for you pulling that prank and getting rid of all my hopes and dreams of calling you fat, but I can't because I feel like I should give you a hug <3
Why would you hug me when I get to keep calling you fattie? muahahahahahahahaha. And yeah Soda, he did. That creep.
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