"Have you actually talked, like really talked, to Blair about it. 'Cause we know Dally sure as hell has a hard time. And, well, you're not exactly the most responsible person in the world." Pony said. I shot the sixteen year-old a glare and he shut up. I refused to believe anything of what he was saying could be slighlty true. "You don't think I can do it, do you?" "Yeah, pretty much." They said in unision. "Fine, I'll prove to you I can." I said stepping out of the room. I wasn't really that pissed up, but they had just fiven me a challenge. A dare. I walked into a room fulled of curious faces. I kissed Two-Bit passionetly and he lifted me up bridal style. "Dim, Jelly, need a ride home?" I asked. "Uh, no thanks Kit. We don't want to witness you getting it on." Dim said probably thinking about that time with the cop and the awkwardness of it all. I know I was. "We don't get it on in the car, Dimwit." I said.
"So, that went well." Two-Bit said. I chuckled. "Yeah, imagine what it would have been like had my parents been alive? Mom would've probably shoot you." He laughed. "Before or after she killed you first?" "Probably after." We started kissing, leaving our clothes splashed through the entire apartment. And you know what happens next. We laid down on our bed cuddling. This is probably my best part. He was caressing my hand and I could hear the soft beating of his heart. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. "Well, we just sort of made it official." "Yeah, I know, but we don't have to do it, if you don't want to." I smiled, he pulled me closer. "I know." He began kissing my arm softly. "You do realize that now that Jelly knows she's probably going to tell her dad. And that he'll probably want to check you out?" I nodded. "And how we're going to you know what?" "I don't know, but I'll think about something." I said looking up to kiss him. "Je t'aime mon petit amie." "I love you too, Kitty."

Most of your posts either make me go AWWWWW!!!! Really loudly or cry -.-
Like I said on your facebook wall, I am super excited that you finally get to be the fat one. But your brothers are right, kids are ALOT of work....no more staying up all night, or sleeping in, or partying, or going where you want when you want. Everything you do you have to think about how it will effect them.....it's just rough :/
Thank you Blair for those kind words of support. -.-
I didn't mind the "bad mother" comment. I just saw my life slowly drifting apart. fucck.
Oh, that......yeeeea....use a condom kids! :D
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