Last night was completely and absolutely amazing. With everything that has been going on, I have hardly found time to have Two-Bit to myself. I'm not sharing him anymore bitches, he's meine! lol. Yesterday we decided to hang out. He came by around five in the afternoon and waited for me patiently as I got dressed and put my makeup on. I put on a dress. Yeah! A dress. It was knee lenght and was black with blue. I looked cute. He took me dancing. I couldn't believe it. Two-Bit Mathews took me dancing. It was cute the way he couldn't dance at all, so I had to teach him. Imagine a 6'2 greaser learning how to waltz. You guys would have laughed your heads off. After it got dark, we hanged around town, holding hands, wrapped around a comfortable silence and genuine smiles. So there we went us cuties, and as I'm writting this I'm smiling at myself. Why? A million and one reasons. But the most importantly, he makes me happy. Truly happy. More happy than a bird with a french frie. More happy than Soda growing a normal size penis. Oh my god. :D
So as we walked around town, Two-Bit had an idea. He turned towards me, placed his hands around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "I gotta show you something." He said. I gave him a half sexy smile. "And what is that?" I asked. He grabbed my hand tight. "Follow me into the sunset!" He said with a heroic tone, kind of like when Buzz goes 'to infinity and beyond'. We ran for God knows how many miles and I started to wonder where the hell was he taking me. Finally, after twenty minutes and thirty miles later, we arrived at this place out of town with a semi big lake. He started to take his jacket off, his Mickey Mouse shirt, and shoes. He hanged from a rope attached to a tree and swing himself forward and splashed in the water. Of course I had to take a step back or I'll get soaked. "Hey fatty, leave some water to the rest of us." I said laughing. Two-Bit swimmed towards me. "Get in the water." I chuckled. "I spend like half an hour doing my hair. I'm not going into the water." I said. Two-Bit just grinned. "Baby, please get in the water." I curtsy. "I don't think so, unless of course you got something worth in returned." Two-Bit wondered for a minute. "Oh c'mon Kitty. We won't be young forever and we can get away with this tonight." I laughed and took my shoes off. I ran towards the rope, swing a little and then splashed into the water. "There. Are you happy now?" I asked as we looked at each other face to face. Oh my those eyes. Those gray beautiful eyes. I want to melt. "Always." He said. I splashed him. "You're such a corny gay guy." I said. He splashed back. "True, but you love me anyway." We continued to splash each other until we where so close to each other that we kissed. Those kisses. The unexpected ones that come at random moments, those that are feeled with sparks and make fireworks sparked all over, those are the truly special ones. The unexpected, cute, innocent, adorable, yet sexy type of way.
We swam for most of the night, until it was probably around midnight. "We better get back." I said in a whisper. "I don't want a certain someone sending the FBI after me." Two-Bit pulled the hair out of my face and we kissed one more time. "You're right. He'll skin me too. Not that it's not worth it." I splashed him with water. "C'mon, let's go." When we arrived at the house, we where still soaking wet and yes, Darry was still up talking with Katie and Sodapoppers. We both walked in silently. "Oh, there you are." He said and his smile started to fade as he saw our apperances. "What happened to you two? Kitty, where you been and why are you wet?" I grinned. "I guess if I told you we accidentically fell inside a lake you wouldn't believe me." I said. "What? You're going to get a cold for God's sake, go change." Katie, my hero, stepped in. "Hey Darry, it's not that bad. I mean, they are perfectly safe. Maybe yeah a bit wet, but nothing that won't be solved with a simple change of clothes." I kissed her in the cheek. "I love you sister." Two-Bit and I walked towards my room and as I was changing into a pajama's pants and a black tank top, I walked out to ask my brother something. "Hey Soda, you don't mind that Two-Bit borrows some of your clothes right?" I asked. "Um, yeah I would." "Ok, thanks." I walked over to Two-Bit. "He says it's ok."
So we got dry and then we cuddled together in my bed, with the door closed but not locked. Locked door and two teenagers = bad things. lol. "Why can't we stay like this forever?" I said as my head rested in his chest, feeling his every breath and every beat of his heart. His hand around my shoulder, carressing my skin, felt warm. "You want that, Kitty? Spend forever with me?" I smiled and hugged him right. Oh my. I would love to. But I didn't say that. I just smiled and kissed his hand. Then, we both fell asleep. A dream within a dream.

AWwwwwwww thats so cute,i hoped you had fun!!! i didnt know two bit had a sensitive side :) lol
love you cousin
First: Why does my "size" matter to you?
Second: Why couldnt twobit just wear the clothes he steals from me all the time??
Kitty U have changed my brother. Twobit is in love. TWOBIT! LOL im so happy for you 2 and i do hope you guys spend forever together
Aw yeah guys, he's my sweetheart <3 Well Soda, let's just say that your size is the perfect weak point to bother you. And no, asking and disibeying is always more fun.
Awwwwww kitty that's so cute. I'm so happy for you. That was so romantic :3
Awwwe that's sweet. I'm happy for you =] Love your new picture by the way
That's nice. Thanks :D
Awwwwww kitty that's so cute. I'm so happy for you.thats so cute,i hoped you had fun!!! i always kne two bit had a sensitive side :)
last message was written by
Katherine Jannill Parker Durian
I love you KitKat Sarah Curtis
Yay, Two-Bit remembered my middle name!!!
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