Once I was able to convince a certain Peeboy that he was going to eat what I made either he liked it or not, Katie and I went on for little adventure around town. First we went window shopping. I had seen an advertisement for Banana Republic and decided to check it out. It turns out there is no Banana Republic in Tulsa, not even a freaking Gap! False advertisement. Grrrr. So we had to settle with what we could find on Main Street. For all of you boys that don't know what window shopping is, it is when you try on clothes but don't buy them. We could have shoplifted a few but Katie said no and well, she took away the fun. But whatever. After that we went for a little ice cream and Randy and company where there. Of course Katie held tight of my hand as she saw Bob's friends. We just walked away. I don't think Katie wanted to fight and if I gave the first punch I wouldn't be able to stop. Self-discipline. Exhale, inhale.
So we got our ice creams and as we walked through town several perverted males wholf whistled at us, which was so disturbing. But we decided to take that into our advantage. Remember, it's me, anything can happen. We found some pieces of cardboard and we wrote 'Hugs $3.00'. Surprisingly it worked! Easy money. After like an hour or so, we gained approximately seventy-five dollars. We charged extra for pictures. Lol. I'm not on my right mind, now I realize that. Then we got hungry, so we decided Chinese! Though we did have money to pay for it, we thought, well, I thought it be more fun if we tried to get away without paying, which we didn't. That's why we spend the next two hours cooking and cleaning in the restaurant. It was fun! We met a guy called Hiroshi Chi Sang or whatever that taught us the art of making sushi, which was confusing since it was supposed to be a Chinese restaurant not Japanese. I am never in my life eating raw fish, seaweed, and rice. Ewwwwwww.
I had only one eternal purpose with this day, besides spending time with my sister-in-law, it was brightening Katie's heart. I hope it did. I had so much fun!

your such a bad influence on my wife
Hey COPY er. Lolz. No seriously you stole the hugs thing , I hope you guys had funn. Did you get the ice cream free? Not by stealing. Soda she's not a bad influence. It's kitty !
Love yho
Sounds fun. And its cool you made katie happier.
wew hew :D. wat a riviting day u guys accomplished :D. but thaa best part is that u made our little katie kins happy :3. shes been so down latley..but ur magicalness made her have fun for the day :D. good work partner :3D!
soda think about it its kitty she would never have a bad influence
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