We got ourselves some skates and went to the mall. We started to skate through the halls, well, I skated, Two-Bit more like just glided, and I held Blaze in one of those baby holders that you wrap around yourself. Yes Blair, I was careful. Geez. So anyway, I skated by the side of Two-Bit pushing him forward because he was stubborn to keep himself at the lowest speed possible. "Why exactly are we doing this?" He asked nervous, trying really hard to keep his balance. "So you won't embarrass me again." I winked. "Look, this is a tough one, you gotta watch out." I said as I pointed to the separation of hallways. I moved to the left side quickly, just before hitting the stairs. Two-Bit, on the other hand, wasn't as fast. He got trapped and skated down the stairs not able to hold himself. He moved with the speed generated from the fall and glidded through the first floor. All you could see from upstairs was a greaser knocking people and he even pushed an old lady into a fountain. Ouch. "Better go help your uncle." I told Rhiley. I took up some speed, jumped into the stair's rail, and glidded downstairs, doing a flip before landing on the floor. It is way easier with no baby, I now see that. "Two-Bit." I called looking for knocked away people to make sure I was on the right path. People where shooting me mean looks. As if it had been me the one that had pushed them aside, but whatever. I didn't care. Poor Two-Bit was screaming at the top of his lungs. Haha! Finally, he was able to stop when he knocked a pile of books and pissed off the guy on the counter.
"Two-Bit, are you ok?" I asked as I pulled the skates to the side so I could stop. The guy on the counter walked over to me. "Is he your friend?!" He asked indignant. "Yeah, sorry about that, it's his first time." I said trying to help clumsy over here, not meeting the guy's eyes until I looked up. His face lit up and he kind of smiled nervously when he saw me. "What?" I asked. "Um look, everything's ok, he didn't break anything but, I was wondering, my break starts in ten minutes, would you let me invite you a drink?" I was kind of hopping that a certain reject here would come to his senses and kick the guy. "Sorry but the guy laying here is my boyfriend." I said proudly at the word 'boyfriend'. Yay. "Oh." He said and walked away. "How rude." I murmured to myself as I helped Two-Bit. "Rude what?" "Oh, nothing. Want to give it another try?" I asked. I swear I heard Blaze chuckle but I was sure it was just the alcohol from before playing tricks with my mind. "Um, why?" He said. I shot him a look but was only teasing him, though he thought we where kidding. "Sorry, I mean, sure." I smiled. "Ok, we start with basics, I skate around, you try to catch me." Well, it turned out to be quite more different and difficult than I had originally planned.
It turned out our skating around was disturbing the public peace. Damn those cops. They made us leave the mall or be forced into the station and since I'm only seventeen and still at risk of getting split up if we cause police trouble, I had to refrain from giving a piece of my mind. Two-Bit and I went over to his place and continued to take care of Blaze because he was scared shitless to be left with him alone again. I don't think he really is. I mean sure he may not know everything, but when it comes to love and affection and all that unsaid stuff, he is a natural. Cutie. Well, it turns out Blaze now also likes Mickey Mouse. Le sigh. He even started discussing episodes with the baby as if Rhiley understood half the things he said. Lol. Still, even if he's not in his right mind, I love that apeface to dead. Obviously Rhiley Blaze. ;)

Hahah nice Kitty I'm jelous.
Haha Two-bir never been rollerskating!!! Poor kid :P
WOW thats soo scary lol alright i commented now comment mine!
Two-bit fails at babysitting. Another example of how girls rule!
awww poor two-bit..he does ned help babysitting that poor thing and wat is sweet is that he tried to learn how to learn to skate and it sound like if he did it for u kitty that is soo sweet
Ji wish the blogs had a "like" button like facebook . To indicate that yes, I've read it. But lack comments. (:
Lmao. Twobit fails at roller skating (:.
that is all
i leave for 10 days and you have to go and get arrested? oh kit
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