What can I say? I'm not sure who I want to beat the most. Either the socs for being the reason I am in the hospital or Darry and Soda for taking me to the hospital. I guess the answer is pretty obvious. No, not Darry and Soda. The socs. As you know the nurses needed to inject me some anethesia so I would pass out and be able to do their job. Because yeah, I was kicking and screaming and doing whatever it was that I can do to not get tested. I'm such a baby sometimes. And the room started to went silent. The voices slowly turned into whispers and then into a faint noise in the distance.
I woke up the next morning to find myself chained up with tubes all over my face and body and with something attached, and I mean literally attached, to my right hand. I didn't even bother to find out what it was, because believe me, I DIDN'T want to know. It was one of those moments when you don't know where you are or how you got there. Yeah I was suffering from short-term memory loss due to the forced drugs given to me the night before. I started to panic...again. I don't know why. It's something about being inside a hospital that just gets me. It creeps me out thinking off all the things that happen there and the things they can do to me. Not pretty. I kind of started screaming. Well not screaming, more like loud calling: "get me the fuck out of here!" There was a screen monitor by my side and it started making the up and down movements really fast and it was freaking me out and yeah I was trying to get the tubes out of my face. "I wouldn't do that if I was you. Those machines keep you alive." I turned around and there was Jelly's dad standing in the doorfront. I think I had a heart attack at that moment. "What?! Alive?!" And then I started freaking out again. Like seriously hyperventilating. Dr. Winston started to laugh. "Calm down kid, I'm only messing with you. But seriously, don't take them off." My breathing started to slowly calm dowm. "It wasn't funny." I said, throwing my pillow at him. He laughed again. "How are you feeling Kit?" It took me a moment to answer his question. I guess I was trying to feel that everything was fine. I regretted it afterwards. Everything, and I mean everything, even my thoughts hurt like crazy. "Good I guess." I lied. Yeah I wasn't in the mood for pityness and the soon I got out of there, the better. "How are Jelly and Johnny?" I asked. My first and only concern where them. I was just tagging along here. "Angelica is fine. She's still asleep and we need to run some tests on her. It's your friend Johnny that is serious." My heart dropped. All I could think about was 'why couldn't we have reached him earlier?' and those shitty thoughts you get when you think someone's fate was in your hands. "He's still unconcious and it's probable that when he wakes up he'll have trouble remembering things." I sighed and put my hands over my face. "Is he going to be alright?" I just heard paper being flipped and a sigh. "Well, he suffered from several broken ribs, a broken leg, a temporary memory block out, and an internal hermorrage..." I cut him off. "With all due respect, I don't want to know what he has, only the reasurance he's going to be ok." I said. My head was begging for simple words. A simple 'he's going to be fine' was all I needed. Jelly's dad walked over to me and fixed some things that were connected to the tubes in my face. For instance I could breath better and my pulse settled. He smiled. "He is." He said. I suddenly relaxed. I felt every end of my body sink into the comfort of the bed. Maybe Johnny was in terrible pain right now, but he was eventually going to be fine, and that's all that mattered. "Oh by the way," Jelly's dad stopped at the doorfront and turned to look at me. "You have a visitor." He said and leaving the room, he pointed towards someone to enter. I wondered who it was.
My face lit up into a big smile when Two-Bit entered the room with a bunch of balloons and a teddy bear. I chuckled. He looked so cute. He looked tired also and I bet he slept here last night. Cutie. "Hey, how ya feeling?" What is it with people always asking this question? I mean they can see a person lying in the ground, blood all over their face, bruised up, tossing and turning in pain and they go 'are you ok?' or 'how you feeling?' or something between the lines of that. But I guess the question had an exception in this scene. "Honestly, like shit." I said. He grinned and I couldn't help but grin back. "Hey uh, I brought you something." He said. I was about to make a comment but I decided to let the mood flow. It was cute. He settled the balloons at the side and he walked towards my left side of the bed. He leaned on it and gave me a furry brown teddy bear. "Aw, that's so cute of you." I said. "Jamie helped me pick it out. She said that I couldn't come visit you empty handed." I chuckled. He stood up and went to take the balloons. They were all helium balloons of different colours, one colour from each member of the gang.
Purple = Blair: Kit, I'm going to rip those motherfuckers eyelashes out and hang then in the roof and use them as a piƱata!Light Purple = Carson: No one puts my friends in the hospital! Grrrr. They're gonna get it.Light Blue = Jamie: I hope you get better soon! I'm going to come visit you and bring you doughnouts!Pink = Brookie: Thanks for finding my brother! I don't know what I would do without him. I hope you guys are ok.Another Shade of Pink = Dawn: BFF! Don't worry, me and Steve are going to beat them up real good! I promise we won't have fun without you.Yellow = Cristy: I hope you get better soon and so for Jelly and Johnny.Light Orange? = Katie: Sweetie! I hope you're ok. I'm going to come visit you until you are fine! Don't worry, I'll take care of the boys for you ;)Navy = Bri: I'm using navy in your honor! Get better soon girl, Darry here was crying. Seriously. He loves so much.Orange = Steve: I'm being forced to write this. So, get better soon! Green = Dally: I'm going to beat the shit out of those socs.Red = Ponyboy: Haha! Kitty! I Need Help With My Spanish Homework! Please Come Back Soon!Indigo = Darry: This color is so gay but whatever. Sister, don't do anything stupid while you're there. Remember you're there to get better not run around wild and try to escape.Light Green = Sodapop: I guess this means I have some asses to kick. Sorry kicking ass buddy, you can't help me this time.Woah those were too many balloons. I laughed at the crazyness of my friends. What would I do without them? I turned to Two-Bit. "Where's yours?" He looked down as if in shame. His voice made me laugh. He was impersonating a very sad almost crying person. "Those meanies stole the balloons and I couldn't write any." Aw. Cutie. "BUT I brought them to you as well as the teddy bear and that beats them all!" I laughed. "Yes it does." We spend hours talking about random stuff. After a while he asked. "Hey, did you know you talk in your sleep?" Epic mega ultra shit. I closed my eyes tight. I only talk in my sleep when I'm nervous, which just happens to be more often that I appreciate it to. One of the many reasons I have my own room. I just wondered one thing. What did he heard? What did I say? Ugh. I looked down a little embarrassed because yes, this is the only thing about myself that is embarrassing. "Yes... What did I say?!" I threw the question in. He stood for a moment in deep thought, trying to remember my exact words. This couldn't be good. "Well you started talking about yesterday night. Then about some things you gotta do for school and stuff. But the thing is, you kept on apologizing to your mother for something. You will never say what exactly for, just 'I'm sorry' and stuff. It was a little bit freaky since you kept on and on and on very persistingly and I think you wanted to cry to." I placed my hands over my face. Just perfect. I couldn't trust having anyone sleep here overnight. With this thing, I didn't want to risk saying something I might regret in the morning. "Yeah can we like not talk about that anymore." He looked confused but I think he got the message that I didn't want to really get into detail of what he heard. He didn't argue, so I guess he wasn't comfortable with talking about it either. We just continued to talk about whatever it was that came into our minds. It got uncomfortable when he made jokes because every time I laughed my chest hurted in an insane amount of pain and that was not fun, so he tried to cut the jokes but I told him to forget to forget it. My day seemed to be going better, until...I think I'm being punished for something I did in a past life. Seriously. That's when I met....Amy. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over." She said. I turned around to see a tiny red-headed woman in a nurse outfit. I could see my day going down. Did she just kicked my boyfriend out? Hell no. "Excuse me but he stays." Amy turned to look at me. She had one of those expressions that just makes me want to beat people. "Only family is allowed to stay." I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. "Duh. He is my family." She walked towards Two-Bit. "Get out or I'll be forced to call security." I would have jumped then and there if I hadn't been attached to my bed. Two-Bit kissed me goodbye and ran out. I was pissed. She closed the door of my room and I think I heard her lock it. I folded my arms and stared at the woman standing in front of me. My expression was not friendly. Actually, if looks would kill, yeah you get the picture. "Well as a more formal introduction, my name is Amy and I will be in charge of taking care of you." I lifted my eyebrow in fake excitement. "Your name is honey?" I sighed. "Psst." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, KitKat. Well, we'll procceed to make some tests to determine what's the problem with you." I was very annoyed and maybe we started in the wrong foot, but I was not pleased that she kicked Two-Bit out when he had total permission to stay here. "Look lady, I am fine. I don't need any tests or whatever shit you do here." I said.
When I refused to help her get me to the tests room, she injected me a liquid, I think it was cyclopropane or something, but it had to be an overdose since that just makes you sleepy and not knocks you unconcious. Anyway, when I woke up, I was inside one of those machines that take x-rays of your brain to make sure you're not a complete moroon or something. Shit. I could barely keep my eyes open. The light was so bright it hurt. I was in one of those gowns that can make everyone look like a balloon and sighed. Please let me out of here. I was finally able to get out and they took me in a wheel chair to another testing room. Seriously, they make you look like a fucking invalid. Ugh! The next test was x-rays. I was feeling dizzy and I told them to stop. Like in dead silence I just erupted. "Stop it!" I was back in my room and god I think I felt even worse than I did the first night. I couldn't walk so I had to stay in my room staring at nothing, trying to figure out what to do. Later, Jelly came into my room draggin the serum with her. My face lit up to see her up and running. "Hey Jell-O. How you feeling?" She groaned and sat down at the couch next to my bed. "You're like the seventh person that has asked me that." I laughed. "Seventh is the best." "Yeah. And does the term 'like shit' help?" I nodded. "That's my statues since Monday night." We started talking about Amy and how we effing hated her guts when suddenly a little old man passed by in his wheelchair really fast and the nurses were chasing him. I got up and sneak out the door. How? I don't know. I guess just jumping up and down in one leg. Whatever. Jelly did too and we laughed as the little man in the wheelchair turned at the corner and raised back towards us. "Go dude!" We cheered, but without making Amy stop to glare at us. She took Jelly with her and came back a few minutes later. What's her problem? I really don't know. She had a bag with several vaccines in there. You guys should have seen the size of the effing needles. Fuck my life. I backed away because needles = not good. She hold me up and started injecting one by one. By the fifth one I was seeing ducks flying around and hippos and rainbows. I was dizzy. I really don't know what was in those vaccines but I can tell you I was being drugged against my own will!
That night I puked like crazy all over the bathroom. Not good. It was the counterpart of the drugs. I stood in the bathroom floor, staring at nothing, wondering when it would all end. And this was only the first night. Fuck my life. Wednesday morning or afternoon, I woke up and Katie was there with me. Aw, she's such a cutie. She came to visit me while Sodapop didn't. -.- "Hey Katie, what are you doing here?" I said sleepy. Katie stood up from the couch and walked over to me. She took some hair from my face. She's really nice, like the older sister I never had. "Well I found out yesterday morning that you were here but when I came to visit you they told me that we weren't allowed to see you. Something about some tests and stuff." I streched my arms, ignoring the fact that by doing so I was pulling the chord to the thing that connected the serum with my hand. Shit. Bad idea. "Yeah I felt like shit afterwards." She smiled and we started talking. I just realized something. I guess one good thing came out of this expirence. I am always rushing through life because I like to live fast. I needed to slow down. Being here in the bed talking to people I didn't stop to really talk before made me feel great. And that, of course, until visiting hours where over.
Jelly's dad then came to check on me. I found it really amusing that he is my doctor and I am always remembering him that. But we stopped joking around when it came the time to get serious. Ugh. When he was done, and the awkardness was over, he told me I could go hang out with Jelly only if I used a wheelchair to move around. Wheelchair?! You gotta be kicking me. I don't do wheelchairs. And my leg wasn't even broken. It was just a sprained. Gosh. But that was the only way I could go around the hospital. So there I go, KitKat Curtis sitting in a wheelchair. You might as well kill me now. I went to Jelly's room and told her if she wanted to hang around the hospital. It pissed me off how she was walking and I was in the wheelchair. But I'm not going to think about that because it will piss me off more. We walked towards the cafeteria, not really in the mood to eat anything but yeah, just wandering around and we saw the little old man that had the nurses chasing after him. I decided to make him some company and bow down to his awesomness. After a long funny talk, we befriended the dude. He's epic awesome and my new BFF. No, not best fuck friend Blair. He told us that he had been stuck here since three months ago and he was getting tired of it. Three months?! I have been here two days and I'm in the border of dying. My respects to him. It turns out, Amy was his nurse during the first month and he isn't so fond of her either. So we started to plot against her. It was pretty funny the things we came up with. We decided to take into action that night, when everyone was 'asleep'.
That night I pretended to go to sleep early. When I 'woke up' I went to knock on Jelly's room and then on to the little old man's room. It was easy to sneak around since most of the nurses are at their lounge at three in the morning. We set the floor with grease and put a wheelchair there. We had the door to the closet open and ready to lock it. Jelly was the first to take the plan into action. She took Amy's key to her locker and when the nurse tried to opened it she saw Jelly holding her and began to chase her. She ran towards the grease and stepped aside. Before Amy could reach her, she slipped in the oil, and fall into the moving wheelchair. She collided with the closet wall and we shut the door locked. It was a laugh that none of us will ever forget. Did I mentioned the closet was where they keep the organs? Well those types of rooms have their own temperature, managable from outside. We lowered the temperature up to -23 degrees. It was fucking hilarious! Then we started messing with her records and paperwork and lasted a good hour and half there. Until she managed to get our and with the help of her male nurse friends they injected us a chemical and knocked us unconscious. It wasn't pretty because we literally kicked and scream and bite but they got to us. Sigh.
The next morning my head was killing me. Amy came to my room and tried to wake me up. I put my blankets over my head and refused to fall into her wishes. I groaned and whined until she got me up. Not good. I went to visit Jelly to her room and we started to see St. Elmo's Fire. It was Jelly's forth time in a week but she didn't complain because she effing loves the movie. We locked the door so Amy wouldn't ruin it for us and we invited our little old man over. We had a pocker match while we discussed our next prank on our so called nurse. Then, after Jelly's door was literally forced open by a security guard, I had to go to do another couple of tests. Epic ugh. Darry came to check on me and that's when Jelly's dad came to talk to him. They were talking outside and had the door barely open. "You know if you opened the door and speak louder I could hear better." I said and they just came in since it was me they were talking about. Apparently I had sprained my left leg, lost a bit of blood, high intensity migranes and just one broken rib. That was it? Fuck I think there was more to it by how I felt, but I didn't argue. For all if that was it that meant I could go home soon! Yay! But as always, luck doesn't like to fully shine on my side so I would only be allowed to leave Saturday. Le sigh. So I'm going to make a summery of all my visitors because otherwise I will never end. Steve, Dally and Darry came all at the same time and made fun of me. :( I threated to beat them all with my Q-tips if they didn't stop laughing at my wheelchair situation. Then Ponyboy came to visit and he was all "Hey Kitty! I need help with my Spanish homework." I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Dude, do I look like I want to help you with your Spanish homework?" Geez. But being the nice sister I always am I corrected all his spelling mistakes and even pretended to pay attention when he read his poem to me. Then they were gone and I was alone again. Sigh. So I went to visit Johnny because I hadn't seen the kid in a while. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh at his cow gown he was wearing and he told me 'one word and I'll make Amy give you one' so I didn't risk it. Jelly was there too and we told him about our adventures in pranking Amy. He actually came with a good one.
That night Brooke came to visit us as well as Jamie. She had her arm fixed up and told us about her little encounter with some socs. I swear I'm going to kill them. That be the last thing I ever do. Grrrr. So anyway, once I told the little one that I would become her personal body guard from now on and everyone was literally kicked out, we decided to take our plan into action. We gathered some of the gross jello they give you and we mixed it up in the toilet the nurses use. We put grease all over the sit and we painted the soap bar with clear nail polisher. Then we filled 70% of foam in a paper bag and placed it in the door. The little old man managed to set the time for when Amy was going to use the bathroom so we set it all up in time. We hide at the nearest wall and waited for the action to begin. About ten seconds later we hear a big "EW!" followed by a scream. We laughed our heads off and there comes Amy all grossed out with foam and grease all over her coming towards us. Shit. We ran like hell. Well, drove like hell or whatever. It turns our Amy has a few not so nice friends and yeah, it wasn't pretty. You can't imagine the stuff they did to us. Some are not worth repeating. They like to pull out needles and suck out blood and test it and then drug us with God knows what and swear its 'for your own good'. They think we are retarded or what? Don't answer that. They started to get really bitch at my new BFF and they were injecting chemicals and it was really harsh. I lost my temper and slap Amy in the face. Piece of advice. Never hit a nurse. She hold my wrists ignoring the fact of my invaldiness and tried to hold me down. The other nurse took out a needle and I don't know what they did but I was unconcious again. Le sigh. I wouldn't have hit her if she wasn't a pathetic excuse for a nurse and got in my nerves all the effing time.
When I woke up the next day Amy was doing something that it's not worth repeating because you'll get nightmares just like I did. She was putting back on my gown and pulling my blankets towards me. No wonder my dream was so pleasing. Major ew. Appareantly a genetial or whatever the name is called was recuired and I almost freaked out. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MUFFIN? GET OUT!" I said as I tried to get off and beat her for doing God knows what. I want to cry. She pulled out her needle again and I stopped her. "Dude, you gotta stop doing that. I will end up like a fucking drug addict for your fault." I went to Jelly's room and jumped into her bed and hugged her. "I'm sueing this hospital for invasion to privacy and harrassment." I said. She looked at me. "What happened?" "You don't want to know." "Tell me." So I told her and she also let out a major ew. We decided to leave Amy alone because we didn't know what she would be capable of doing to us. Sigh. We hang out with Johnny and guess who came to visit? Tim Sheppard. That made me kind of pissed. I mean Tim Sheppard comes to visit me but not Sodapop Effing Curtis? What the fuck?! But I was touched that he took the time to come and see if we were ok. He told us there was a rumble Sunday and he was putting up with those socs once and for all. Yay. Something good came out of all this shit. I felt like I was guest staring in a Gray's Anatomy episode. You guys won't believe all the gossip that goes there. I mean, the patients even made a bet on how long a certain doctors' relationships was going to last. When we came to the patient lounge we got a huge applause and congrats. Apparently we're the shit, but that's something I already know. We made tons of friends there. There was this little kid that had been stuck there for over a year. Some rare disease and I was not up to ask him what it was. There were a lot of teenagers who had waited for someone to pull it up with the head nurse once and for all. I feel special. Did you guys know they party there? I sure as hell didn't. Bunch of teenagers + one room = party!
And the highlight of my day came when Carson got stuck there too. I laughed at her because she had to put up with what I did all week. Hehe. She kept on texting me to let Two-Bit visit her but I felt like not sharing my boyfriend. That was until her texts started to get on my nerves so I send him to her. And then, the moment I had been anxiously waiting for a whole week. Saturday came and Darry and the apeface came to rescue me! Thank you! :D. He brought me some clothes and I was finally able to get out of those horrifying pieces of cloth and walk! Yay! We checked up with the doctor and he told Darry about my behaviour and the fact that I had to be tested unconcious otherwise I would scream and yell and kick. He looked at me and I just smile and nod, nod and smile. Hehe. On my way out I said good by to my BFF and to my admirors and even told one kid "give Amy hell for me. I'm making you my heir now." Yes aw! I miss my BFF already. Sigh. Oh well I'll come and visit him every day if I have to. On the car Soda sat down with me in the back seat. He was 'making up for not visiting me'. Sigh. Whatever. "Darry there are two things I want to do. One get a decent hamburger and two play football." Darry turned to look at me. "What the? No way." I sighed. "Darry, I been effing invalid for five days, forced to where a dreadful gown, and been injected more drugs than I can coung. I want a burger and to play football." "Kit..." Soda started but I cut him off. "Darry, drive. Burger first."