So I was cleaning up my room today when I came through with a old photo album forgotten with time and wrapped in a thin cover of dust. I sat down and started browsing through it, and what I found were pictures of us when we were little. I thought I'd share them with you.
Hey guys, um... I'm kinda deciding if I should join this group...but if y'all hate me then I guess it's okay...
Anyway, I really WOULD like to join, but before I do...I kinda have some questions I HOPE you can answer...
I know you guys have had some problems with people who come on here and keep tellin' y'all that you're "not real" and "fake"...but yea, I like playing along and having fun...but I'm still confused :(
I am only asking this because I looks like all of you have so much in common and I don't wanna be left out if I join this group...
Question 1: do ALL of you really live in Tulsa Okahoma and go to the same school, and really hang out together like things are said on your blog ( what I mean is... Have you actually seen each other?)
Question 2: are those your REAL names hat your using? ( just want to know because if you are all using real names, I don't want to be a fake and use a fake name)
Question 3: would you guys like me to join? Do you guys hate me now and think of me as someone who jut told you you're all "fake" and "not real"?
I don't think you guys are long as your having fun and yeah... I just hope no one hates me now and hope someone will answer this truthfully instead of saying " SHUT UP!" or " GO AWAY" because I really don't like being hated, so I try to ask questions nicely...
Hope someone answers, and I love you all!
Love, Me (I'll have a name later when someone answers these questions)
Crap it! For people who don't know what question four means, it means everything you've I dunno, you guys hanging out together, school, and all that other stuff...
Please don't hate me cuz I really want to join you guys ..
Answer 1: no, we don't Live in Tulsa. Answer 2: This aren't our real names. Answer 3: sure, we aren't accepting like any more brothers or sisters of anymembers of the gang. Answer 4: no.
OMFG thanks for answering, now I totally understand this!
Anyway I'm so sorry but I just have a few questions that I just need answers to (so sorry!)
almost done!
Question 5: someone role play a little cuz I just wanna see if I'm getting this right :)
if I said on my blog " OMG yesterday was so fun, me and (insert name) went to the mall and blah blah blah..." ( and no we didn't ACTUALLY go to the mall...)
would you just: -play along and say we DID go to the mall OR -deny it and say I'm a stupid fake
just wanna know :)
and so...if you guys said that y'all went to some bar and got friggen guys and just playing along with he story...right??? Y'all actually didn't go to the bar...right? Cuz LOL I wouldn't wanna be like " Kay I'll meet ou guys there" and have to go to freakin' Tulsa and be like " where the @?$% is the bar?!"
LOL well...hope you guys will accept me and not be like " @$#% you we don't need another person with us"
Love you guys,
Lady Gaga (LOL kiddin')
Seriously, love you guys,
Katie-Lynn Shaw AKA Katie or Katy-Lynn ( if you guys have any other names, you can tall me cuz I think od anything right now :P)
Kay then I'll go with Candi/Candie Neilson (LOL don't know which one to use)
Now Ima just gonna have a problem introducing myself to everyone (bet your the only one who actually knows me right now), and I gotta make a blog...crap this :P
Thanx! Well I got a blog, now I just gotta figure out all this crap like pics, template, description and other shit like that...damn...gonna be hard to do...
LOL this comment place is kinda turning into a chat thing.. But just one more thing, can I come and live with you and your brothers cuz I don't have a house anymore...yes...I'm that pathetic...I don't have to if ya don't want to
and my first blog post thing migh be how I met you and the gang
And just for fun I'm gonna add a sneak peek:
It all started when I was caught stealing in a supermarket. Yes, caught stealing... I know it's perfectly normal for me, a Greaser, to be stealing... But to get caught?
Thanx... Just make sure Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy knows about this cuz I don't want then to be like "who the he'll is that girl and why is she here?!" LOL well you can add me as a follower if you want cuz I don't care but my blog is screwed up ugly cuz I can't beautify it (damn it I should have someone porfessional fix my blog for me...stupid template won't load)...well can't wait to meet the gang!
Kitty, I must say, that amused me greatly.
lol ik!!! that was funny
brookie, join the chat.
I feel left out. *tear*lol. I can't believe you didn't find a pic of me.
aww i loved that dress. i wanted to be asin when i was little, lol
very cute
Kitty You Need 2 Post! Johnny Even Post!
Hey guys, um... I'm kinda deciding if I should join this group...but if y'all hate me then I guess it's okay...
Anyway, I really WOULD like to join, but before I do...I kinda have some questions I HOPE you can answer...
I know you guys have had some problems with people who come on here and keep tellin' y'all that you're "not real" and "fake"...but yea, I like playing along and having fun...but I'm still confused :(
I am only asking this because I looks like all of you have so much in common and I don't wanna be left out if I join this group...
Question 1: do ALL of you really live in Tulsa Okahoma and go to the same school, and really hang out together like things are said on your blog ( what I mean is... Have you actually seen each other?)
Question 2: are those your REAL names hat your using? ( just want to know because if you are all using real names, I don't want to be a fake and use a fake name)
Question 3: would you guys like me to join? Do you guys hate me now and think of me as someone who jut told you you're all "fake" and "not real"?
I don't think you guys are long as your having fun
and yeah... I just hope no one hates me now and hope someone will answer this truthfully instead of saying " SHUT UP!" or " GO AWAY" because I really don't like being hated, so I try to ask questions nicely...
Hope someone answers, and I love you all!
Me (I'll have a name later when someone answers these questions)
Oops, forgot one question:
Question 4: is EVERYTHING on all of your blog TRUE?
Me (I'll have a name LATER)
Crap it!
For people who don't know what question four means, it means everything you've I dunno, you guys hanging out together, school, and all that other stuff...
Please don't hate me cuz I really want to join you guys ..
Me (YES I'll have a name)
Yay!!! An anonymus posted on my blog.
Answer 1: no, we don't Live in Tulsa.
Answer 2: This aren't our real names.
Answer 3: sure, we aren't accepting like any more brothers or sisters of anymembers of the gang.
Answer 4: no.
OMFG thanks for answering, now I totally understand this!
Anyway I'm so sorry but I just have a few questions that I just need answers to (so sorry!)
almost done!
Question 5: someone role play a little cuz I just wanna see if I'm getting this right :)
if I said on my blog " OMG yesterday was so fun, me and (insert name) went to the mall and blah blah blah..."
( and no we didn't ACTUALLY go to the mall...)
would you just:
-play along and say we DID go to the mall
-deny it and say I'm a stupid fake
just wanna know :)
and so...if you guys said that y'all went to some bar and got friggen guys and just playing along with he story...right??? Y'all actually didn't go to the bar...right?
Cuz LOL I wouldn't wanna be like " Kay I'll meet ou guys there" and have to go to freakin' Tulsa and be like " where the @?$% is the bar?!"
LOL well...hope you guys will accept me and not be like " @$#% you we don't need another person with us"
Love you guys,
Lady Gaga (LOL kiddin')
Seriously, love you guys,
Katie-Lynn Shaw AKA Katie or Katy-Lynn ( if you guys have any other names, you can tall me cuz I think od anything right now :P)
Answer 5: we just go along with it, makes it more fun and unpredictable.
Just a quick thought. Any name that doesn't start with K would be fine, since we had to many K-names involved in the blog.
And none of the stuff actually happened, so yeah.
Damn... Cuz I was gonna go with either Kaitlin Shaw OR Kaitlin Neilson...haha and my nickname could be Katie-Lynn...
I'll probably think of another one
thanxs so much KitKat
Love you all! ( now I just gotta makes blog...I figgure it out somehow)
No Name
WTF okay...I'm gettin bad at typing now...Too muh typing...
Kay I'll stop for now
love you all,
No Name
Here I got some names:
I'll go with these names:
Kaitlin Shaw
Kaitlin Neilson
Candie Neilson Igot nothing else...tell me which one you like, or neither
I'm seriously gonna stop typing for today,
No name...STILL
Candle Neilson would be great!!!
Kay then I'll go with Candi/Candie Neilson (LOL don't know which one to use)
Now Ima just gonna have a problem introducing myself to everyone (bet your the only one who actually knows me right now), and I gotta make a blog...crap this :P
$@#% THE WORLD! Kiddin'
(excuse my language)
Candi Neilson
Haha, don't worry. Explicit language very welcome here! I say you make a blog introuducing yourself and I'll tell the others. :)
Well I got a blog, now I just gotta figure out all this crap like pics, template, description and other shit like that...damn...gonna be hard to do...
Well thanx sooo much KitKat
Candie Cane Neilson
Hope you don't mind but I'm kinda using you in my blog for how I met you and became friends with the gang...
I'm bored...
Candie Cane Neilson
Yay! I love being talked about. lol
LOL this comment place is kinda turning into a chat thing.. But just one more thing, can I come and live with you and your brothers cuz I don't have a house anymore...yes...I'm that pathetic...I don't have to if ya don't want to
and my first blog post thing migh be how I met you and the gang
And just for fun I'm gonna add a sneak peek:
It all started when I was caught stealing in a supermarket. Yes, caught stealing... I know it's perfectly normal for me, a Greaser, to be stealing... But to get caught?
Hope someone will read it
now I gotta go do some crap
Candie Cane Neilson
Sure. I'm not living there right now 'cause I'm with Two-Bit in Cali. But you're totally welcome there. Our house is like a hotel for everyone. :D
Thanx... Just make sure Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy knows about this cuz I don't want then to be like "who the he'll is that girl and why is she here?!"
LOL well you can add me as a follower if you want cuz I don't care but my blog is screwed up ugly cuz I can't beautify it (damn it I should have someone porfessional fix my blog for me...stupid template won't load)...well can't wait to meet the gang!
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