So Dimitri, Jelly, Katie, Soda, Blair, Dallas, Chase, Dawn, Steve, Darry, Pony, Two-Bit and I were all hanging out on the house. As in the official Curtis Residence. And we were doing what we do best, well, what we do second best which is chat and talk and pretty much waste each other's time. And we were talking about the old times. And Soda and Steve, besides their usual argument about how supposedly it is Steve's fault that everyone now know Soda's petite, which is really not true, stupid Soda just misinterpret what was said, they were fighting over Jelly. "I can't believe you kissed Jelly! She was my girlfriend!" "Dude, it was like a million years ago, so it doesn't really matter." "Matter?!" And that's when Soda stood up to size Steve up. "It fucking matters to me!" And Steve with his cocky personality just folded his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He said as though it was no big deal. "Because the night you kissed Jelly was the night I kissed Jelly for the very first time." Jelly almost chocked on her drink. "What? You kissed her that night too?" And that's when Steve got up. We all turned to look at Jelly, who was turning tomato red and tried not to laugh. All except Dimitri, who I think was starting to get pissed. I guess it hasn't been Jelly's most faithful week. Oops. "Two guys in one night?" Blair scoffed. "That's nothing." "Yeah." Dally just added but he got eyed so he shut up. "And here I was thinking she became a slut after she came back from Seattle." Jelly gave me the middle finger and I blow her a kiss.
"Okay, tell me when did this happen?" Steve asked. "After you told me that she was passed out in my room, I went in there to make sure she was alright. She was lying on my bed, all buried in coats or whatever it was. Well, I went to kiss her on the forhead but it was so dark I accidentally got her lips. I started to pull away but then I felt her kissing me back. It was only for a second but it was amazing. And now I found out that you kissed her first!" Soda said stomping his feet like a little boy. "Wait, what bed did you say she was on?" He took a step closer to Soda and looked like he was trying to figure out something. Soda frowned for a moment. "Well, mine." He said as though stating the obvious. "Dude, I'm pretty sure I put her on Kitty's bed." Steve said pointing at me. "No, she was defintely on my bed." "Can you cut it out on the beds?" Blair interrumpted. "No! The beds are important." Steve said not looking away from Soda. "Soda, why would I kiss a girl and then put her on your bed? I mean we all know that's just self-destruction." "Yeah." We all agreed. "Well then who was on my bed?" Soda asked.
I turned to look at Jelly and whispered. "Jell-O, what night was this?" I asked. She leaned in closer, like she was trying to avoid Dimitri from listening. "Do you remember that party that Soda threw when your parents were away on a camping trip? How it got totally crashed because they got home early?" "Yeah." I said and that's when it hit me. I think my eyes got all wide as I yelled. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Everyone turned to look at me because I was seriously freaking out from what I had just figured out. Soda was the first one to make sense of it. "No! No! No!" He yelled. "Yes!" I yelled back standing up a little too fast that I dropped my drink. "You were the one passed out on my bed?" I nodded nervously. "Uh huh." "Kit! What the hell were you doing on my bed?!" "I couldn't find my way to mine! I was too drunk to do anything!" I yelled in defence. "OH MY GOD!" Soda said putting a hand over his chest. Perhaps to prevent his heart from virtually ripping off his chest. I know, I was feeling the same way. "You were my mystery kisser?" "Hm. This just keeps getting better and better." Dally said leaning back on the couch. We ignored him. "The hell with that! You were my first kiss with Jelly?!" "You were my first kiss EVER?!" Oh god, I could feel all my insights moving in ways they shouldn't. It's one thing to have your first kiss and not know who it was. It's another one completely to have it with your older brother.
"Um, you guys, does that mean we get to see you two make out now?" Dimitri said as he could hardly contain his laughter. I shot him a look. "Yeah, I mean, I always knew you two were close but I never took you for the incest type." Dear Darrel added. "God, I think I'm gonna go puke." I said. "Yeah, me too." Soda added. "Well, don't follow me into the bathroom!" I yelled. "Right!" And he went outside. "Well, I guess we resolve the matter of who was Jelly's first kiss." Chase said.

This is funny, but it sounds like an episode of Friends.LOL
Shit Kitty that sounds a bit messed up. Your first kiss with your big brother. Geez
Holy crap Kit! I never knew the Curtis clan was the incest type....I don't think I'll be seeing my brother anymore, just incase he picked up any ideas
ahahaha blair o.O you have a point there
.......oh kit....kit kit kit. :3
why kit? why? thanks for sharing this with the world -.-
You started it! And, I don't know if you'll mind but I won't be talking to ya in a while.
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