I took a deep breath. "Didn't mommy tell you, Marcia, that stealing other people's toys ain't very nice." Marcia turned her head to the side. "Well, it ain't stealing if the toys aren't yours anymore." "Ooh, cat fight." And Jamie shot Dallas a look. "What's that supposed to mean?" Marcia chuckled. "I didn't force him to do anything, KitKat, he reached out to me. He wanted to spend some time with me. Didn't he tell you? He can be himself around me. Said so himself." I ultimately refused to believe her. But everything she said. It was as splinter, working its way through everything we had built. I took a deep breath and stared directly at her. "Was he good? I mean, was it worth it?" Jamie probably thought I was out of my mind for asking such question and I reassured her I knew what I was doing. Marcia didn't hesistate to answer me. "Yes he was, and yes it was all very worth it." I nodded. "Good, because I'm about to punch you." And that's were I threw dignity out the window and reached out to hit her. But Dallas hold me back. He carried me as I fought off his grip trying to reach out for the slut. Marcia just laughed and when I calmed down, Dallas put me back on the ground. "You know, you shouldn't be taking it all on me. Two-Bit was responsible too." "I don't care who stared it. I just want you to end it." "I'll end it when he says so." "Fine. And he will."
Then I got on my car and drove away, annoyed way out of mind. I drove around town for a few hours. Not really wanting to go home. Not really having anywhere else to go. I just wanted to calm down before I did anything drastic. Finally, I ended up in front of my door. I opened it. It looked like no one was home, until I walked towards my room. Two-Bit was laying on the bed watching some TV. "Hey." I said. He turned to look at me and smiled when he did. "Hey. Where you been?" I decided to make it fast and hopefully, painfree. "I know about you and Marcia, Two-Bit." His smile faded. "What?" I nodded. "She was at the DX today and she told me all about it." Two-Bit sighed as he turned off the TV and walked over towards me. "I'm sorry." He said as he placed his hand on my cheeks and moved a few strings of hair from my face. "I should've told you." I looked down for a moment. "It's okay." He looked confused. "Wait, you're not mad?" I shook my head. I was trying not to be. "No. I mean, people make mistakes, right? And you're sorry." He smiled and kissed me. "You're the best." He whisper in my ear. I know. Then one kiss led to another and one touch led to another and I decided two can play the game.

I'd like to point out that I'm still wearing my shirt :D
and that she's a whore
and when you said 2 can play at a game......you gonna cheat on him? cuz you said you wouldn't but not im confused :s
Now honey, I would never cheat on him. What I meant is that if Marcia is willing to screw around, I'm gonna give Two-Bit a reason not to. Like a contest.
oh no. another sex-off? -.-
How can you say you love someone Kit and then play them like a game ?
well.......that was deep :3
Unlike you Marcia, I don't need to "play around" to get his attention. He can fool around with you, but in the end he comes back to me. That's the difference between you and me. And, the only one I'm playing a game with is you.
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