So I'll tell you how it happened. I came home from work and unfortunately, school. -.- I was threaten that they would call Darry if I skipped class again. It's not my fault that their educational level doesn't reach my standards! Grrrr. But anyway, on to the good stuff. Two-Bit was starting to bring down the Christmas Tree, because we where lazy all week and we just started to get around it now. I told him that I had quit my job. Yeah, you heard right. It is the middle of winter, do you think people want ice-cream now? Well, I know you dumbasses do but the rest of the sane population of Tulsa don't. But we'll talk about that in another post. Two-Bit smiled when I told him and wrapped his arms around my neck. Our height difference has never been a problem. I told him that it felt so good to quit a job. I felt like me again. :D Just don't tell Darry I said that, or do, I don't really care. "So, I see your finally taking the decorations out of the tree." I said. "Yep. But we can do something better if you want." So I started kissing him and he obviously kissed back. We really got it on that time. But at some point I stopped. We looked at each other for a moment, like an intense stare type of look. I was debating with myself. Should I? Shouldn't I? Before or after I get officially married? Then I looked at Two-Bit and I caressed his cheek staring at his bright gray eyes. "Oh, what the hell!" C'mon I have never been old-fashion or traditional and he's the one I'm gonna be making love to later on anyway. So why wait? *Stupid smile/giggles inserted here.*
Well, you pretty much know the protocol in this particular department. "Wait!" Two-Bit said. "Shouldn't we go for the condoms?" Way to ruin the moment. "Uh. Sure. Let me go get Jamie's present." Oh how I love little Jamie, always one step ahead. So anyway, I went to my room, grabbed the condoms, peeked into Jelly's room to make sure we wouldn't have a problem there and jumped on top of Two-Bit. :D "You know, I was talking to Bre a few days ago about how I wanted to have sex with you on top of the Christmas Tree." I said as Tibbs kissed my neck. "So wanna try it?" He just laughed as he moved the hair out of my face. "Where you drunk?" He chuckled. "Maybe." "Okay then." I don't think you wanna know how, but we managed to knock down the tree and have passionate sex with pine needles all over our bodies. We give a new meaning to it. I think I have scratches all over my back. We kind of stepped into some crystal ornaments. But we didn't really care. I always thought that sex was just a pleasure, that the true meaning of love laid on the talks, the words, the actions, the tiny details, the hugs, and just caring and being there for the other person. But damnit, what have I been missing?! I say this because it was kind of like the first time. Steve-O doesn't count, 'cause when you're drunk they can bitch slap you across the face and you wouldn't notice. But this was real. So real it was scary.
I don't wantto get into a lot of details. I'm pretty sure you know what went on. After a while we just kind of went to our room and layed together on the bed. It would be awkward if anyone stepped in and saw us on the living room. Hehe. We cuddled together and hugged and cleaned up the blood that was coming from our rather deep scratches. Hehe. Sex on an ornament tree = intense but painful. I'm sure as hell not gonna repeat that. Now I know you're all thinking, "what happened with all the 'after we're married' shit?" I understand it's shocking but hell, like your hormones haven't ever gotten in the way. I just didn't want to wait anymore and amen to that. :D
Two-Bit, I love you and I love that you're part of my life. Cause it's pretty awesome and I never felt like this before. Would you stay in the morning? And spend forever with me? Je t'aime mon amour.

I think I just may try this...
Now instead of listening to Dim and Jels every other night we can just do it ourselves XD
Woohoo. Get it Kit :P
I really don't know what to think about this :/
I am going to babble over and over about my sex life to you Soda. Payback time. +D
Just dont make me an aunt again anytime soon :P
and that sounds painful D: wtf is wrong with u kit??! ON A CHRISTMAS TREE?!?! ouch. D:
You guys are so lucky I didn't walk in on that :P
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