Today I woke up at five in the freaking morning. Because we had "school" and we had to "get ready". I slept at the Curtis place because it was January fifth. What's so special about that? Every year, (when we remember) we have a little day in which the entire family spends it together, like we don't already do that but oh well, Darry likes to feel special about "bonding" us together. To never break the rutine, Ponyboy jumped up and down the couch, my new bed -.-, and almost broke my ribs waking me up. Little Darrel was taking us for a run. Anyone who knows Darrel knows that a 'run' is not only a run. It is a two hour long of freaking push uping, joging, sit uping, sweaty boding, rope jumping, sexy looking, body dying, Darrel murdering, and useless begging. It was not healthy or sanitary. Pony was ok with it, idiot, but Soda and I where gasping for our lives. We really have to get in shape, just not now. "Darry, what kind of cruel and usual punishment is this?" Petite boy asked laying on the grass. "I think he is torturing us because you fatty won't move out. Everyone knows that he wants the house all to himself so he can fuck himself without distraction. I know he likes it on top." I said. Darry didn't find it amusing and as a mean P.E. coach yelled at us to give the freaking neighbourhood three more laps. Soda and I got up that instant and I ran to tie myself on the swins pole. Soda did too, copy cat, just that he choose the one I was in. The picture isn't pretty. You got me wrapping my arms and legs around the thing and Soda wrapping his arms and legs and thing on me. It was gross. Now pulling one is easy, pulling us both was hard. So Darry pulled Soda and Pony pulled me. Did I mention Soda was being pulled away from the pole and I was being pulled towards the pole? Yeah, if I was a guy that would've been painful. Then I got an idea and I whispered it to Sofa. We let go and we each took our puller. I managed to get Pony out of his sweatshirt, because I'm tall and all and tie him to the merry-go-round. Soda did the same, dunno how, and we spin it. We ran away from after that.
We ate cake for breakfast. Well, Soda ate it, I just watched. Partly because he didn't share, and yeah you know the rest. We then got "ready" to skip school and work and went to hang out. We dressed as superheroes. I was Catwoman and he was, Petiteboy, yeah Batman. So we went on to fight evil and safe the world before dinner. Our first stop was the DX and we did the goodness of making holes in the tanks of socs so Soda here would get payed more when he worked. Then we went to the movies and as we where getting our tickets, the person at the booth looked at us weird. "What? Never seen a girl dressed before?" I asked indignant. Then I turned to look at Soda. "C'mon Batman, these civilians have no respect for their protectors." I don't know what movie was playing, not really care either. What we did was got up and walked to the front of the room and started roleplaying, as our superheroes XD. "You've kept me wating a long time." Soda said. I walked towards him cat-like. "Cats come when they feel like it. Not when they're told, my dear friend." "As a superhero, I think that rule out to be changed. When trouble troubles you, you go." "Oh but trouble doesn't trouble me. I trouble trouble." I had to bite my lip as people started yelling at us to stop talking. We ignored them. "Such an independent lady, aren't you?" "I'm a cat, dumbass. Independency runs through my veins." "You got a mouth on you too-." "You would know." And since it would've been really really really awkward gross and ewwww to kiss my own brother, we placed our palms in front of our mouths and faked kissed us. It was epic. Then we got kicked out.
As our heroe adventured continued, we decided to go to the park to free the villains, our brothers. When we got there, the merry-go-round was empty. "Oh boy." I murmured. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis! KitKat Sarah Curtis!" We heard Darry's angry voice from behind. I turned to look at my brother and we nodded. "Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" So we ran. We got chased around the part like crazy. I swear little kids looked as us weird. One of them asked for our autographs because he was obviously a Dally kid version and thought dumbly we where the real ones. "Here ya go, kid." I said and then we ran some more. Then I saw the cops getting near and a plan hit me. "Hey Sofa." "Yeah?" "Want to avoid Darry's angry fist?" "Hell yeah." "Then hit me." "What?!" "Hit me." "Kit, I'm not gonna hit you." The cops started to get near and so did Darry. "Take me down! Make it look real! Make it look real!" I said that because Soda hits like a little girl, but he faked punch me and I dropped to the ground. The cops saw him and they went to get him. :D As Soda was being 'arrested' Darry and Pony forgot about their anger issues and came to my rescue, and Petite Boy's. "Kitty, are you ok?" Pony asked. "I can't believe Soda hit you!" Darry half yelled. "Yeah I know. I'm abused by my own brother." I faked cried. Half an hour later, after being spoiled and loved by my two remainding brothers, I pointed out the fact that Batman was still in a jail cell. So we had to go get him.
His charges where simple: Domestic violence, disturbing the public peace, dressing up as a fictatious superhero, not making a good impersonation of him, being petite XD, being hotter than the cops, being fat, and not having enough reasons to jail him. LOL! We didn't get charged with a fine. The cops said he was too annoying to keep. Soda was pissed off at me after that, saying that it was my fault that he had been jailed. "Well Soda, I never actually thought you would do it." "But you said!" "And you where stupid enough to agree with me." "-.-" When we got to back to the house we 'cuddled' all together, 'watched' a movie and just 'enjoyed' each other's company. Then we got bored of acting normal and we went back to being us. We played Seven Minutes in Heaven and Pony got Miss Spider. Note: Pony doesn't like spiders very much. But who cares, really? We got him in and then made bets on who would come out alive. Miss Spider won. Now Soda ows me a 100 bucks. :) Then it was Darry and Soda's turn and we got them in. There was a lot of noise, but we heard some things pretty clearly. "Well what do you want me to do?" "Do it right." lol I wonder what went on in there. After a couple of hours of incest we sat down to dinner. Or rather sat down to throw food at each other. There went an hour of cooking I'll never get back. I guess that's why we had a food fight. -.- Then I started to feel sick so they drove me back home. And this is the story of a girl, who begged for normal siblings and got these. :P

darry made me fold clothes in the closet. I told him thats why he doesnt have a girlfriend cause when he plays 7 mins in heaven he makes people do chores.
Kit that was hilarious
im proud to say thats one of your posts i FULLY read :D
hahha nice soda
Spider's Are Pure Evil.They Have 8 Legs Like That Evil Beast That Turns You To Stone......
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