Just then, Jelly walked over. "So, how long are ya staying?" She said. "Your father called me. So I guess as long as I want." "Great!" Crashing at the Curtis' Residence: Approved. Grandma Winston was hungry so Jelly did some cooking and I did the table. Ten minutes into it, Grandma started to speak. ... "So, Kitty, does the groom put out?" I think my cheeks burned a bright red. "Uh... well." I was stumbling for the right words. How on earth do you tell a grown woman about your sex life? It isn't like we are really related or anything. "Oh. I get it. You're a virgin." Yeah... I'll go die now. "No, that's not what I'm saying-" "It's ok hun, there's nothing really that you're missing." She turned to Jelly. "Pussy." She whispered. I was tempted to kill the woman. I silently thank the lord that I never had a dinner together with my parents and Grandma Liz. I would've been dead by now. "Grandma, Kitty and Two-Bit are not virgins." Thanks for clearing that out Jelly. "They're not? Well I don't expect it from Half-Wit but she's not?" "No, actually they did it a few nights ago. They're first time." Now I wanted to kill both Winstons. "Oh I see." She turned towards me. "So tell me, he's not petite as your brother is he?" And I banged my head on the table. Then after half an hour of humiliation, we decided to watch some TV. Jelly and I where watching some 80s movie, but Grandma Liz switched it to the Super Bowl. She's a Steelers fan. Sigh. It was one thing that we had to listen to her screaming at the TV but another that she literally tackled us whenever the team scored a fucking touchdown. That's gonna hurt in the morning.
Then Jelly, being the smart person she is, told us she was gonna turn in. It was just me and Grandma Liz. I gulped. She got another cigar from her purse and lit it open. "So, there was another reason for my visit tonight." She said. I brushed the smoke from my face. I thought I would be free from that when I moved away from Ponyboy, apparently I was wrong. "Oh, really? I thought you had come over here to discuss my love life." She knows I got a mouth on me so it was ok. "That was a small treat for my amusement but that's not it. Before James called me I was already planning a visit to you girls." I watched attentively. "You see, your parents asked me never to tell you this, but once when I catched them in a passionate moment," That was an image I didn't want to have. "We had a deep conversation about you kids. They asked me to keep an eye on you if something where to happen to them. That's what I did. Besides, it keeps me on update on what's going on with you." She winked. "How else do you expect me to have known about Blair?" My eyes got wide. "You know about the new baby?" "Baby? What baby?" Fuck. "Uh... why do I feel I just screwed up?" "It's ok dear, Dallas is much to hormonable to keep his pants on. I would expect them to have use a condom though. Maybe I would pay them a visit before I leave." ... Sorry Dal. "Anyway, James told me about your little trip to the hospital in December." And here I was thinking things couldn't get any worse. "Alcohol intoxication? I am very disappointed. I thought that you of all people could hold their licor. I'm gonna have to teach you how to do it well." -.- "But that's not the point. Damnit it girl, I thought that you would be a little bit thinner than the last time I saw you but you're deadly skinny. Have you gotten your ass to the doctor?" Maybe if I played dead she would leave me alone. "Uh, an appointment? No I haven't had a chance. I mean, Dr. Winston got me some pills and that's what I take but right now all my money goes to the wedding and the bills, and I just quit my job so yeah." "Listen to me Kit and listen to me real good cause I'm only gonna say this once." Oh no. A pep talk from Grandma Liz is never good. "What you're putting yourself through, is deadly. You can die. Now how's that fair to anyone?" I sighed. "Yeah I guess you're right." "Oh I'm damn right. Now, we're gonna make an appointment tomorrow, I'll be my wedding gift to you, and you're gonna get your ass up there, you dig?" I nodded because if you want to know the truth, she was starting to scare me. "Now, I figured you'd be looking for your Somethings, so I brought you the garter I used on my wedding." She took out of her purse a white garter and handed it to me. "It can be your Something Borrowed." I chuckled. "That's nice of you. Thanks." Now I'm forced to use it.
The next morning Two-Bit and Jelly left to visit Dimitri and I was left to continue my misery. Thanks guys, really, thanks. -.- Grandma Liz absolutely refused to let me drive D:< and took me to see this nutriologist that Dr. Winston had recommended. I felt like I was being babysat. The doctor told me to change into a hospital gown/torture. "KitKat, what are those scratches on your back?" Grandma Winston asked. I sighed. "Uh, that's from when I had sex with Two-Bit on the Christmas Tree." "You had sex on a Christmas Tree?" "On top of a Christmas Tree." "Hmm. I will pass the tip to Angelica." :D So for the next half and hour the doctor who's name was, oh you're gonna love this, Dr. Condon, did some test and all. Then I changed clothes and we where called back in. Dr. Condon sat on her desk writing some notes on my report and keeping me at the border of insanity if she didn't hurry up. "Well KitKat, what can I say?" Damnit that was never a good start. "You're not healthy, that's for sure. Your blood sugar is low and your bones are weak. You told me yourself that you're tired most of the time, that you felt sick and that your throat felt sore." I kept my trap shut cause it felt like I was being scowled. "You weight 87 pounds. KitKat, are you even trying?" I bit my lip and tried to avoid Grandma Liz's stare. "I am. It's hard but I'm trying." Dr. Condon sighed. "In your case trying is not good enough. The appropiate weight for a 5'10" seventeen year-old should be, at the very least, 120 lbs. Now, I see in your report that you have been given some medicine." I nodded. "This is a physicological disease. The only way to treat it is if we determine what caused the emotional blockage in the first place. That's your homework. Your next appointment would be in two weeks and I hope to see some improvement by then." I nodded and we headed out. "See? That wasn't so bad." Grandma Liz said. I shot her a look. "You just payed to have a woman tell me what I already know." "Anyway, Angelica called, said that Dimitri was finally waking up. I think it would he would to see me." About that... But I didn't say anything.
So she drove on the hospital. I think Dimitri secretly wished he could drift back into unconciousness but I was just glad he was awake. That pussy had me scared to dead. Anyway, with Grandma Winston in town and all, I'm getting myself kidnapped by Soda. :D