I have that song "Friday" stuck in my head. I wanna kill the motherfucker that had that playing all day at school. -.-
So Tibbs took both of them into the tub with him, lord almighty knows what they might've seeen there, well, I do know and I personally like it but I can't say the same for Blaze or Carter. I hoped into the tub too, but I used a bathing suit cause we are trying to keep it PG and all. And little Carter was pulling off the bra thingy. Like seriously! He was poking...there. Two-Bit got jealous. "Hey! Those are mine." And so he started to splash Carter and Carter splashed back. Soon enough they where chasing each other. Meanwhile, Blaze, the only smart one, hugged me while those two killed each other. The shower was fun, but it wasn't the best part. We took them to the park. Apparently kids don't like the merry-go-round a whole lot when they are stuffed. It was some funny shit watching them crumbled for their balance. Miniature drunkies! :D
We got home them and we had another epic food fight. Pizza fight. Blair is so gonna kill us. But what can I say? Baby food is some nasty shit. After playing some twister and some horseback riding, (I was on top for most of the game ;)) we finally got them to go to sleep. "Hey." I wrapped my arms around Two-Bit as he hold Blaze. "We finally got some alone time." "Yeah." He said kissing my cheek. "You know what I was thinking, you know as we took care of the little ones?" I lifted Carter and sat down on the floor next to Two-Bit. "What?" "Would we make good parents? You know, hypothetically speaking of course." Kids are in a distant future plan. Two-Bit kind of shivered. "I dunno, Kit. I mean, I guess. But, I don't know." I kissed his cheek. "I'm scared about that. I mean, there's no goddamn rule book or anything and one screw up can cause a lot of damage, but it can't be that hard. I mean, I know how I want to be." I paused for a moment. "I went to see my mom and dad the other day. Their graves were empty so layed down some flowers. And I started talking to them, and I realized I had a hell of a lot more to say to my dad than I had to my mom. I barely spoke to my mother when she was alive. We had more fights than the jews and muslims and I don't want that for my kids. I want them to have a relationship with me, but you know, sometimes I have my doubts. You'll be a great father, though. I just know it." He smiled and kissed me and for a moment, I forgot I was holding a little kid, otherwise I would've gotten more. "You'll be a great mom too, Kitty." And we just kept on kissing until we fell asleep. Then we woke up to the sound of Blaze drinking from a beer bottle we had forgot to put away. Hehe.

Come here my little minions Oh God... xD
you guys are going to be great parents :3 i see it now
"I was on top for most of the game"
What the hell did you do to these kids?? o.O
I always win when I baby sit =D
Dal probably lets the kid drink beer anyway haha
For the love of God ... you let the kids drink beer?! I wish my parents were as lenient as you two.
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