"I think...I think I'm pregnant." Woah I did not see that one coming. I think I scared Jelly out of my mind by the mere look on my face. I froze. My whole face went pale. My hands were clenched into tight fists. You could see the veins by the visibility of my skin. Then I realized I was probably making it all worst so I relaxed and chuckled. "Right. Good one, Jelly. You had me scared to dead for a second there." Well of course I made a joke about it! What else was I supposed to do when one of your best friends tells you she's pregnant?! I mean, sure, I could rub it in her face a hundred times 'I told you so.' but that wouldn't help at all. And It's not like I could pin her to the floor and chop her balls off either. She's the one holding the freaking baby. Then I remembered. Dimitri. His name was buzzing in my head. Must. Kill. Freaking. Dimwit. I sighed. There might be blood. I walked towards Jelly. I think she was scared of me because she took a step away when I touched her. But I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her. I hugged her. I hugged her really tightly. "It's okay, Jelly. We'll find a way to make it all right." And I mean it. I mean, whatever the thing turned out to be, we can always find a way to make it all better. "You're tired." I said as I pulled a strand of hair out of her face. "Why don't you go to sleep?" And I left her wrapped between her sheets, closed her door, and went straight for the door.
He had barely a towel on when I pin him down and hit him... where it hurts. "Kit, what the fuck?" He groaned. I leaned down so my face would be inches away from his. "I told you I'd kill you." I must admit that that did sound very mafia like but oh well. I turned around and left. I spend the next day with Jelly just talking. She had told Dimitri and she told me about his reaction, about what she herself was feeling and I suddenly felt really bad for her. At one point or another, I talked to Two-Bit about it. "What are we gonna do?" He asked. "I don't know. I mean, I never seen her so down. And I can't do anything to make it okay." Two-Bit leaned in and kissed the top of my head. "I'll help you there. I'll try to make her laugh a little. Ya know, take her mind of things. It'd be a Two-Bit/Jelly epic adventure." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek softly. "Thank you." So I left Jelly again sitting on the couch watching a Brat Pack special on TV with Two-Bit by her side and headed out.
It was the middle of the night. I had to walk to his place. My car was still being fixed up. There where no lights on but I let myself in anyway. I walked up to his room. No Dimitri. I knew he hadn't gone out cause Chase was sound asleep and snoring in his. So I looked for him everywhere. In the bathroom, below the stairs, in the living room, until I finally found him sitting on the kitchen floor with a bottle of whiskey by his side. He was half drunk. Sigh. He barely looked at me when I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. "Hey." I said sweetly. We were silent for five long minutes. For a second I thought he really wasn't going to say anything. But just before I could open my mouth to speak, he spoke. "I thought we where being careful. I thought there was nothing to worry about. I never wanted to be one of those people. Ya know, the ones that have kids everywhere simply because they don't know how to use a fucking condom." He wasn't looking at me and he took the bottle again to take a sip. I snatched it away. Half drunk was already bad enough. "I thought I was smarter than this." He said, his voice was sore and trembling. He was almost cracking up. I pulled him close into a hug. "There, there, Dimmy. It's okay. We all make mistakes. I mean, God knows I have my fair share of them. We're not perfect. Sure you may have use all the precautions but sometimes this things happen anyway. And you got two choices. You can either let it get the best of you, give in to the fear and let it turn this into a tragedy. Or you can embrace it, look for things that would make if better. I mean, we're not even sure if Jelly is really and a hundred percent pregnant. And you guys love each other. If anyone can make it through this is you guys." "But Kitty, I'm scared." "Oh honey, I know it's scary. Believe me, I know how scary things can be. But I also know that things are better if you don't let fear conquer you." "But Kitty-" He started again but I caught him off. "No Dimitri, no." I held his face between my hands and made him look directly at me. "I'm gonna give you five seconds. You can be scared out of your mind, scream, yell, cry, do whatever you want. Let fear take completely oer. But you only got five seconds. Then, you'll stand on you're two feet and get your act together. Do it for Jelly, all right." He nodded. He got comfortable and ready. "Okay. You can go." I swear to God he was almost shaking. "One...two...three...four...five." He said. I wasn't sure if that would make him feel better but at least it would make him have a little control over himself. "Oh Dimitri." I said when he turned to look at me. He was doing his best to keep up the brave act. It's funny who we go back and forth with saving each other. :) "It'll be okay. We'll make it through this." I said and I hugged him. We just stayed like that, hugging each other. Until he fell asleep and I fell asleep.
Even in the worst of times we'll pull through, 'cause we're greasers and that's what we do.