So what happened on those two days that we were away? Dealing with Miss Sandy Davis should be cconsidered an Oympic Sport. Her freaking hormones annoy the shit out of me. We just mostly talked. About everything. It felt weird, you know. I'm usually the one that has to hold it together. The one that is always on one piece. So being the patient and not the doctor was a whole new expirence for me. I can't personally say I liked it. Actually, I don't think I ever want to go through it again, but I promised Sandy and unfortunatley I like to keep my promises. Do I want to talk about it? Not really. But what's to tell anyway? It is all nicely written in Sandy's blog, so if you're that curious go check it out.
When I woke up the next morning, Two-Bit was still asleep. There is no greater feeling than waking up next to him. The wake up part beats the sex part of the night. And if you say anything Dallas against it I will cut your balls off. But no pressure. :P I stood up to try not to wake him and went to the kitchen. I had planned something special for him that morning. I had Dimitri and Chase run errands all morning. They brought me chocolate, milk, eggs, sugar, and some other cooking stuff. I was gonna make brownies. And no, not from the instant receipe that comes in the boxes. Two-Bit's favourite brownies have to be made from scratch. Let me tell you, just because you're doing something with all your heart does it make it any less difficult. Chase and Dimwit were enjoying my lack of cooking abilities. They offered to help but I turned them down... for the 100th time. "No!" I said growling at them. "I got to make this! I just have to get this right on my own." I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but I just really wanted something to go right. I wanted something to go as planned. I really just needed that feeling of satisfaction. Eventually Two-Bit got up and I was almost finished. "Ah! Go back to bed." I ordered him. So I set everything up and brought it over to the room. "Did someone ordered Breakfast in Bed?" I said putting the tray down. "Kitty?" He asked as he looked at the tray. "Are these my mother's brownies?" I kissed him. "I love you, Two-Bit Mathews." So we sat down and we ate and we joked around and we talked. And those are the moments that are truly amazing.
Later on, we took a walk. "Where are we going?" Two-Bit asked. We had been walking for over an hour, past the South Side, into the forest. "I'm sorry about the walk, it's just that Dimitri is fixing up Sheila and all." "You named your car?" "Hells to the yeah." "Okey..." And I slapped him on the side of the head for dramatical effect. We all know tha dark forest that surrounds the south side and the stories our parents used to tell us to keep us away. No surprised your little friend decided to check them out one day a couple of years ago. About a twenty minute walk from the entrance and into the heart of the woods, there is a small meadow. Oak trees surrounded it and there is so little light that its always shadowy and cool. It's perfect to lie down and think. And beyond that meadow, there is a cliff, and it's the scene you've ever seen. It's my favourite place in the world. "What is this?" Two-Bit said. "Do you remember how I used to tell you that one day I wanted to go visit London and Paris and all those magic places?" He nodded. "Well, this is my Paris and my London, and my Tulsa. This is the only place in the world where there are no greasers or socs. Where people are just that, people. I come here when something's bothering me or when I just want to be alone. This is my sacred place. It's called Kitty's Point. Because here is where everything conects. Where everything makes sense." Two-Bit looked around and then he lifted me up and swing me. "Now we can call it Two-Bit and Kitty's Point." We sat around the edge of the cliff watching the clouds. We saw the birds and the butterflies enjoying the spring. "Two-Bit, this place is beautiful." "It sure is." "Two-Bit," I leaned towards him so he could see me. "Why don't we get married? Right here. Right now. Just us."