It always seems that when times are blue, a simple hang out at my house always brightens the day or night, for that matter.
It was Saturday night. I called the gang over because I came up with it at the last minute. You guys should know that I love you all oh so much. Enough to have to put with dear Miss Mathews complains about how she already had plans for the night and how I could have made up my pretty little mind hours before so she could be there instead. Answer? "Well cancel whatever it is your plans are and shut your mouth. It's not like you're that busy in the social department. Meet you at nine." I'm so nice. :D By nine, the music was as high as it could get and the atmosphere was party like. Well, we did everything we do at a Curtis Party. Two-Bit came in with god knows how many cases of beer. He said that Buck had send them over because he wanted Kitty to have a hell of a good party. Aw. Ain't that sweet? Creepy, but sweet.
We danced, and drank, and danced, and drank some more. I made the oh so horrible mistake of giving Blair a rootbeer just for fun. I MISS PREGGO BLAIR, ALRIGHT! She got pissed off and chased me around the neighbourhood like a 16389248326 times. Of course, she tripped and rolled over like a pinata. Well, she didn't exactly do that. That was just me wishing she would. But she did hurt me. :( I'm telling you, being used as a human pinata ain't that fun, specially if you're all skin and bone. When is fatass when you need him? So anyway, after being used as the object of the amusement of my friends, I'll get back at you bitch, we went inside and Two-Bit had the wonderful idea of playing beer pong. Brookie was innocent enough to actually think Tibbs had invented it. She was so excited that he actually had some sort of creative drop on his blood. It was almost heartbreaking when Darry had to be the party popper and tell her that that game was long invented. -.- Blonde chicky makes me smile. That's your new nickname by the way, Brooke. So the first round was Carson against Steve. Any bets towards to won? I'm sorry Stevie, but your sister beat your ass at your own game. Lol. Then it was Blair against Elena. That was interesting to watch. Both girls where playing to drink. I'm pretty sure it was E who won, but I'm not sure since at Blair's turn, she slipped and knocked the table and well, it was raining on party night. Then it was Dally against Soda and poor Petite boy will forever be mocked as a pussy. I love you Dally. *virtual high five*. And then it was me against my fiance. The word doesn't get old. I love saying it. Fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance, fiance... ok, stopping now. Two-Bitch claims he won but I beg to differ. Of course I'm not sure since it was dark and I was too drunk.
But our little beer pong didn't last long. For some extrange reason, Sodapop found a way to break the table. How he did it? I have no clue. Maybe it was his petiteness working or something. Karma bless us all. We went back inside and Jamie suggested we play spin the bottle, or well, dare or dare. Dimitrian went first and he had to dance with a mop or a broom... naked. I. Am. Never. In. My. Life. Taking. Him. Seriously. Again. Well, it was half naked, but I am forever traumatized. It wasn't a pretty sight but I laughed like hell, especially since he danced to "I like to move it, move it." Then it was Carson's turn. Insert evil smile here. She had to lick someone's (and by someone it meant Darry)... are you ready for it? Area. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my. I loved it. Then it was Ponyboy's turn and he had to drink his weight in beer. Darry shot him a look that killed because well, we all know what happened the last time he was drunk. But he didn't listen, as always, and did it anyway. Poor thing was too drunk he passed out then and there, so we just kind of stumbled him somewhere where he wouldn't disturb us. :P I don't rememeber what I did or what anyone else did. I just remember having someone's leg on my chest that wasn't mine. Ewwww. Of course, the next day, it was not only a hangover but Darry had been the only one sober enough to remember what happened and I got yelled at for stupid Pony's drunken dispute. Fuck you, little brother. But anyway, can any of you creeps remember what else we did? Cause I suffer from short-term memory loss.