Demi practically barked at Two-Bit but I innocently bitch slapped him. Only I can bark at my, should I say the word?, FIANCÉ! +D Eventually, Tibbs got in the car and so we drove off to that place Dimitrian wanted to take us. I fell asleep on Two-Bit's shoulder most of the ride so I couldn't tell for sure if we where just outside Tulsa or something. When we got there, we parked the car just on the side of our selected place. The boys set the tents because Jell-O and I where too damn sleepy to do it ourselves. Besides, we might brake a nail or something. ;) They set up the fire place and we fixed the food and supplies inside the tent. Now I know why Two-Bitch took so freaking long to pack. He brought practically a year's supplies in food and beer. Yay. After that, we set the food safely on the tent and went on to fish. How the hell was I going to fish? I had no idea but I did it. When we came back, sigh, guess what? Yep. You have guessed well. Fucking Winnie the Pooh came by and ate our food. "Who was the asshole that left the unprotected?" Jell-O half asked, half almost shouted. Dimitri cleared his throat. "Yeah, that would've been me." Epic fail. Jells smiled sympathetically but Two-Bit and I demanded we hung him by his thumps at the nearest mountain and leave him there to find his way home. We weren't allowed to do that so instead we went to swim at the lake. Two-Bit managed to hang a rope from a tree branch and we used it as a swing. When it was my turn, I swing back and forth a million times, trying to get enough force and speed. The rope gave in and there went Kitty along with rope into the water. Another fail. I was okay. I only almost hit my head and drowned thanks to the stupid rope but other than that, nothing out of normal.
After that we went back to the tents. We had no music but we decided to party anyway. Winnie the Pooh didn't steal our beers, which was a good thing, otherwise that bear would not have lived to steal other's food. We set the fire and sat around the campfire to roast whatever we could find that was roatable. That didn't leave out much more than drinks. Dimitri thought it would be a good idea to share scary stories. He was surprisingly good at it. Great facial expressions. He had me cuddling scared out of my mind next to Two-Bit who was protectively wrapping his arm around me, ready to beat Demi if he exagerrated too much. Then it was my turn and my story was about Soda's penis. That was enough to scare the four of us out of our sockets. Hehe. Five stories and almost fifteen beers later, we decided we lay low for the forest. Trees can stand just a certain amount of awesomeness, ya know. We where joking about who would sleep with who. I suggested that boys slept in one tent and girls in other. They all surprisingly agreed and insisted on my joke. I realize now, they where just too drunk. While Jell-O and I where on our tent, we could hear Two-Bit and Dimitri making -gulp- noises. I knew Dimitri was gay. He probably made Two-Bit gay too. I'm gonna kill him. Jells and I did our best to go to sleep, beggint to some omnipresent force to make Two-Bit straight again. The next morning Jelly and I woke up early and went into the boy's tent to take pictures. Let's just say that for the mental health of the people of the world, I'm only showing them to the gang. I don't want to be sued for promoting a disturbance to the world's peace. Dimitri was over Two-Bit and Two-Bit had his legs wrapped around Dimitri's. God bless us all. After we woke them up, they went to take a 'shower' or more especifically, just chill naked at the lake. Jelly and I stole their clothes and hide them at a bear's cave. Just we didn't know it was a bear's cave at the moment. The boys didn't seem to mind about wondering around naked in the forest but that came to an end when they stumbled upon a family of four that was also camping nearby. Dimitri traumatized the little boy for life. The woman started chasing them all over the forest. It was pretty damn funny. But we eventually felt bad for them so we went on the hunt down after their clothes. We finally made it to the bear's cave and the boys got dressed, that was until we heard a high groaned and turned around frightened in a movie-type kind of way. It took a 'boo' for us to run the hell out of there. Fucking BooBoo is a pussy. After that we had to go gathering/hunting for our own food. Dimitri was going on and on about how to know which fruits where poisonous and which weren't. I had a better more efficte way. Ask someone to taste it. If he dies, it's poisonous, if he doesn't, then it's not. As simple as that. Anyway, that night we had another drunk campfire. This time, Jelly slept with Dimitri in one tent and I slept with Two-Bit in another. We could hear the lovebirds from The Boring Tent fucking each other. I bet Two-Bit wanted to do the same but I didn't. I don't know. It's just. I mean, it's important to me and sort of a big deal. Special too. And though it is with someone I genuinely love, I didn't think it was the place or time. We weren't sober enough and we where laying on rocks. Not romantic at all. Yeah, yeah, old school and such. Whatever.
I can't remember much of what happened next cause, well, we drank the remainding beer like there was no tomorrow. We where also afraid BooBoo might want to steal it. To avoid the hangover we just kept on drinking. It was fun! But when we ran out, it really wasn't. D: Note: Getting drunk in the forest is so much more fun. You can see people doing more creatively stupid things. So that's how our little double date went. I hope it was of your amusement. Oh and Elena wanted to be on my post so here it is. Look Elena, you're on my post! Lol.