I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Jelly prepared some breakfast for the two of us. She kicked Two-Bit out last night because the bride and the groom aren't supposed to see each other on their wedding date and so he slept over at Dimitri's. When she finished, she ordered me to go get a shower so I did. The girl's started arriving around eleven, along with our make-up/hair stylist friend that was conveniently invited to the wedding ;). She wanted to see the dress first to give her an idea. She spent two hours on me, I swear I've never sat down that long before. I was anxious to get up and have something to do. When she was finally done. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked gorgeous, even better that usual. And I looked just like my mother. I've never really noticed the resemblance before but I was amazed at how much we look a like. I walked out of my room. "So, what do you think?" I asked my lovely ladies while I stricked a pose. "You know, I always thought I would get a whore as a sister-in-law but I guess my prayers were answered." Jamie said with relief. Yeah, I guess I can't really blame her. Jelly and Dawn were ready and so we drove to my home before getting to the venue. "We're here." I yelled and here comes Darry and Pony, Pony having a difficult time fixing his tie, idiot, and Darry standing all well Darry-like.
"Go on, put your dress on." Darry said as Jelly followed me with my dress and shoes. My brothers went on one car and Dawn, Jelly, Katie and me rode in another. When we got the venue everyone was there and so my bridesmaids and me, we waited at the bride's room before the ceremony began. The girls spend some time with me and some other time talking to the rest of the people, so I was alone for a while until Darry and Soda came in. "Where's Pony?" "Making out with Brooke." Soda said. "Right, just make sure he doesn't mess with her too much." Then I took a deep breath. "Hey, how are you?" Darry said. I chuckled. "A little nervous but other than that great. Magnificent, actually. Better than I've felt in a long a time." "Good to know." Then Darry walked over to me and gently caressed my cheek. "Mom and Dad would've been proud." I smiled. "Yeah. I just wish they could be here." And I looked down for a moment but Darry raised my chin. "They are here, they are always here, in our hearts. We just got to remember." Then he looked around his pocket and took out a small navy box. He was holding a beautiful diamond bracelet that he placed around my wrist. "Mom wanted you to have this. It belonged to our great-grandmother. She was really proud of you, Kit." A small tear left my eye and they hugged me. Darry kissed my forehead and Soda gently punched my shoulder. Then they left. Jelly and Dawn came running after. "It's time!" Dawn said.
Everyone was sitting at the infinite amount of benches. The bridesmaids walked with their respected partner as I waited for my escort. "Hey." Dim said as he stood by my side. "You look beautiful." "So I've been told." "Well, let's go then." He extended his arm and I took it. Everyone got up the moment they saw me coming and the music started playing. And as I walked down the aisle I could feel my legs slightly shaking. Then I saw him. Standing there. Not a doubt whatsoever. Very proud of his decision. And I knew then that everything would be more than okay. Dimitri kissed my cheek and placed my hand on Two-Bit's. And the priest started.
"We're gathered here today to join Keith Andrew Mathews and KitKat Sarah Curtis in matrimony. Who gives this woman to be married?" "I do but she gives herself freely." Dimitri said and I turned to wink at him. "It is commonly seen that young couples decide to say traditional vows, but anyone who knows Two-Bit and Kitty knows they are fat from traditional. So I wasn't surprised when they informed me they were going to write their own. Kitty?" I looked from Two-Bit to the priest and then back at Two-Bit. I took a deep breath before starting and then everything seemed so natural.
"Two-Bit, three hundred and sixty-four days ago you asked me to marry you. Three hundred and thirty-one days ago I said yes. And that month that we spend apart I realized I can't imagine my life without you. I said yes because we are meant to be together, even we're apart. Ever since we were little we have a bond that's so strong that nothing and no one can ever brake it. You're my friend. You listen when I talk, you wipe my tears when I cry, and you tell the joke that makes me laugh. I can be myself. I can act silly, I can be sarcastic, I can be cynical or a hopeless romantic and you love me just the same. You believe in me even in the moments when I don't believe in myself. So I give you my soul, my heart, and my love."
And then Two-Bit said his vows. The priest looked us both and he smiled. "Two-Bit, will you take this woman to be your beloved wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in heatlh, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part?" "I do." "Kitty, will you take this man to be your beloved husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part?" I took Two-Bit's hand, looked deep into those gorgeous gray eyes and said the two words more lovable and trustful than you can say to someone. "I do." And we exchanged rings. Finally, the priest looked at us and finished. "I may now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." And with that, Two-Bit hold me close, looked for a moment at my blue eyes and kissed me. The priest was right. Till death do us part.