I don't regret or am even sad we spend the whole weekend there. Blair is practically my sister and there are that little things I wouldn't do for her. I would even turn lesbian just to ensure she doesn't grow old and with 4832 cats. :D Though on Saturday we where advised/kicked out to go home and all. Tibbs crashed at my place this time. November 21st, I woke up to the Happy Happy Birthday Song (google it, it's hilarious)by some pretty off-key males but happy that they where trying. :D I don't quite remember what my siblings got me, oh well, I'll remember later or they will tell you, but what I liked the most was Two-Bit's present. It was a locket. And not just any locket, a gold heart locket. Just for me!

I think my jaw dropped open because he laughed at my expression. "Open it." He said and so I did. Inside there was something engraved.
Cause with her, you can be true and with her, you can be you. Have you ever been in love?
A little piece of our song. "Have You Ever Been In Love?" By Westlife. I smiled and closed it but as I turned to look at him to kiss him, he kept looking at the locket and so I wondered what he was looking at. That's when I felt the other part of the egravement. I turned the locket so I could see the back and this time I smiled more widely than I had ever.
I love you.
And as my fingers delicately caressed the gold, he took the locket from my hands and placed it around my neck, and as he let my slighly short brown hair fall, he turned my head around to face him and leaned towards me and without question, without warning, without any interrumptions, he kissed me and it felt wonderful, like it always did. That's how I want to spend my birthday. I don't need a party or a celebration. Two-Bit stayed with me and we spend most of the day hugging each other, going for a picnic down by the lake, swimming, cuddling in bed, and simply enjoying our company. Because we're in love. And so I ask, have you ever been in love?